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A collection of 10 posts
Cassandra open-source log analysis in Kibana, using filebeat, modeled in Docker
I was recently asked to set up a solution for Cassandra open-source log analysis to include in an existing Elasticsearch-Logstash-Kibana (ELK) stack. After some research on more of the newer capabilit...
GitHub - RyanQuey/cassandra-in-kibana: Basic config and Kibana dashboards for managing Cassandra logs using the ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana), using filebeat and Docker.
{{ message }} / cassandra-in-kibana PublicNotifications Fork 0 Star 0 Basic config and Kibana dashboards for managing Cassandra logs using the ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana), usi...
Kubernetes logs analysis with Elassandra, Fluent-Bit and Kibana
Vincent RoyerJan 17, 2019·10 min readElassandra simplifies your data stack by combining the power of Elasticsearch and Apache Cassandra into a single unique solution.Elasticsearch is by design a shard...
Manage your Cassandra Logs using the ELK Stack
Distributed apps quickly get to the place where trying to debug using tail -f becomes untenable. However, ignoring your logs isn't an option: to quote Jay Kreps' book I Heart Logs, "the humble log is ...
# actually sets for docker container as well sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144 docker-compose upSee here for more info on how it works.Test that it is workingAdd a dummy log (see instructions her...
Cassandra Lunch #14: Basic Log Diagnostics with ELK/FEK/BEK - Business Platform Team
In case you missed Cassandra Lunch #14, we discussed methods for finding and diagnosing issues in Cassandra clusters. Starting off with why specialized diagnostic tools are necessary, we also discusse...
Advanced HAProxy configurations for Multi-Master, Active-Standby (Hadoop, HBase, Presto) and Peer-to-Peer technologies (Elasticsearch, SolrCloud etc).De...
Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana, Cassandra integrated cluster on Docker