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Data processing platforms architectures with Spark, Mesos, Akka, Cass…

by Anton Kirillov

Data processing platforms architectures with Spark, Mesos, Akka, Cass… SlideShare Explore You Successfully reported this slideshow.Data processing platforms architectures with Spark, Mesos, Akka, Cassandra and KafkaUpcoming SlideShareLoading in …5× 4 Comments 132 Likes Statistics Notes IlyaAshikhmin1 Raja Rp at Infosys Walter Di Carlo , Software Analyst/Developer Consultant presso Nokia S.p.A. at Nokia Mathieu Goeminne , Senior R&D Engineer chez CETIC at CETIC Kevin Nguyen , Vice Manager at FPT Telecom NOC at FPT Telecom Show More No DownloadsNo notes for slide 1. SMACK ArchitecturesBuilding data processing platforms withSpark, Mesos, Akka, Cassandra and KafkaAnton Kirillov Big Data AW MeetupSep 2015 2. Who is this guy?● Scala programmer● Focused on distributed systems● Building data platforms with SMACK/Hadoop● Ph.D. in Computer Science● Big Data engineer/consultant at Big Data AB● Currently at Ooyala Stockholm (Videoplaza AB)● Working with startups2 3. Roadmap● SMACK stack overview● Storage layer layout● Fixing NoSQL limitations● Cluster resource management● Reliable scheduling and execution● Data ingestion options● Preparing for failures3 4. SMACK Stack● Spark - fast and general engine for distributed, large-scale dataprocessing● Mesos - cluster resource management system that provides efficientresource isolation and sharing across distributed applications● Akka - a toolkit and runtime for building highly concurrent, distributed,and resilient message-driven applications on the JVM● Cassandra - distributed, highly available database designed to handlelarge amounts of data across multiple datacenters● Kafka - a high-throughput, low-latency distributed messaging systemdesigned for handling real-time data feeds4 5. Storage Layer: Cassandra● optimized for heavy writeloads● configurable CA (CAP)● linearly scalable● XDCR support● easy cluster resizing andinter-DC data migration5 6. Cassandra Data Model● nested sorted map● should be optimized forread queries● data is distributed acrossnodes by partition keyCREATE TABLE campaign(id uuid,year int,month int,day int,views bigint,clicks bigint,PRIMARY KEY (id, year, month, day));INSERT INTO campaign(id, year, month, day, views, clicks)VALUES(40b08953-a…,2015, 9, 10, 1000, 42);SELECT views, clicks FROM campaignWHERE id=40b08953-a… and year=2015 and month>8; 6 7. Spark/Cassandra Example● calculate total views percampaign for given monthfor all campaignsCREATE TABLE event(id uuid,ad_id uuid,campaign uuid,ts bigint,type text,PRIMARY KEY(id));val sc = new SparkContext(conf)case class Event(id: UUID, ad_id: UUID, campaign: UUID, ts: Long, `type`: String)sc.cassandraTable[Event]("keyspace", "event").filter(e => e.`type` == "view" && checkMonth(e.ts)).map(e => (e.campaign, 1)).reduceByKey(_ + _).collect() 7 8. Naive Lambda example with Spark SQLcase class CampaignReport(id: String, views: Long, clicks: Long)sql("""SELECT as id, campaign.views as views,campaign.clicks as clicks, event.type as typeFROM campaignJOIN event ON = event.campaign""").rdd.groupBy(row => row.getAs[String]("id")).map{ case (id, rows) =>val views = rows.head.getAs[Long]("views")val clicks = rows.head.getAs[Long]("clicks")val res = rows.groupBy(row => row.getAs[String]("type")).mapValues(_.size)CampaignReport(id, views = views + res("view"), clicks = clicks + res("click"))}.saveToCassandra(“keyspace”, “campaign_report”)8 9. Let’s take a step back: Spark Basics● RDD operations(transformations and actions) form DAG● DAG is split into stages of tasks which are then submitted to cluster manager● stages combine tasks which don’t require shuffling/repartitioning● tasks run on workers and results then return to client 9 10. Architecture of Spark/Cassandra ClustersSeparate Write & Analytics:● clusters can be scaledindependently● data is replicated byCassandra asynchronously● Analytics has differentRead/Write load patterns● Analytics contains additionaldata and processing results● Spark resource impactlimited to only one DCTo fully facilitate Spark-C* connector data locality awareness,Spark workers should be collocated with Cassandra nodes 10 11. Spark Applications Deployment RevisitedCluster Manager:● Spark Standalone● YARN● Mesos11 12. Managing Cluster Resources: Mesos● heterogenous workloads● full cluster utilization● static vs. dynamic resourceallocation● fault tolerance and disasterrecovery● single resource view atdatacenter levelimage source: 13. Mesos Architecture Overview● leader election andservice discovery viaZooKeeper● slaves publish availableresources to master● master sends resourceoffers to frameworks● scheduler replies withtasks and resourcesneeded per task● master sends tasks toslaves13 14. Bringing Spark, Mesos and Cassandra TogetherDeployment example● Mesos Masters andZooKeepers collocated● Mesos Slaves and Cassandranodes collocated to enforcebetter data locality for Spark● Spark binaries deployed to allworker nodes and spark-env isconfigured● Spark Executor JAR uploadedto S3Invocation examplespark-submit --class io.datastrophic.SparkJob /etc/jobs/spark-jobs.jar14 15. Marathon● long running tasksexecution● HA mode with ZooKeeper● Docker executor● REST API15 16. Chronos● distributed cron● HA mode with ZooKeeper● supports graphs of jobs● sensitive to network failures16 17. More Mesos frameworks● Hadoop● Cassandra● Kafka● Myriad: YARN on Mesos● Storm● Samza17 18. Data ingestion: endpoints to consume the dataEndpoint requirements:● high throughput● resiliency● easy scalability● back pressure 18 19. Akka featuresclass JsonParserActor extends Actor {def receive = {case s: String => Try(Json.parse(s).as[Event]) match {case Failure(ex) => log.error(ex)case Success(event) => sender ! event}}}class HttpActor extends Actor {def receive = {case req: HttpRequest =>system.actorOf(Props[JsonParserActor]) ! req.bodycase e: Event =>system.actorOf(Props[CassandraWriterActor]) ! e}}● actor modelimplementation for JVM● message-based andasynchronous● no shared mutable state● easy scalability from oneprocess to cluster ofmachines● actor hierarchies withparental supervision● not only concurrencyframework:○ akka-http○ akka-streams○ akka-persistence19 20. Writing to Cassandra with Akkaclass CassandraWriterActor extends Actor with ActorLogging {//for demo purposes, session initialized hereval session = Cluster.builder().addContactPoint("").build().connect()override def receive: Receive = {case event: Event =>val statement = new SimpleStatement(event.createQuery).setConsistencyLevel(ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM)Try(session.execute(statement)) match {case Failure(ex) => //error handling codecase Success => sender ! WriteSuccessfull}}} 20 21. Cassandra meets Batch Processing● writing raw data (events) to Cassandra with Akka is easy● but computation time of aggregations/rollups will grow withamount of data● Cassandra is still designed for fast serving but not batchprocessing, so pre-aggregation of incoming data is needed● actors are not suitable for performing aggregation due tostateless design model● micro-batches partially solve the problem● reliable storage for raw data is still needed21 22. Kafka: distributed commit log● pre-aggregation of incoming data● consumers read data in batches● available as Kinesis on AWS22 23. Publishing to Kafka with Akka Httpval config = new ProducerConfig(KafkaConfig())lazy val producer = new KafkaProducer[A, A](config)val topic = “raw_events”val routes: Route = {post{decodeRequest{entity(as[String]){ str =>JsonParser.parse(str).validate[Event] match {case s: JsSuccess[String] => producer.send(new KeyedMessage(topic, str))case e: JsError => BadRequest -> JsError.toFlatJson(e).toString()}}}}}object AkkaHttpMicroservice extends App with Service {Http().bindAndHandle(routes, config.getString("http.interface"), config.getInt("http.port"))}23 24. Spark Streaming24● variety of data sources● at-least-once semantics● exactly-once semanticsavailable with Kafka Directand idempotent storage 25. Spark Streaming: Kinesis exampleval ssc = new StreamingContext(conf, Seconds(10))val kinesisStream = KinesisUtils.createStream(ssc,appName,streamName,endpointURL,regionName, InitialPositionInStream.LATEST,Duration(checkpointInterval), StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY)}//transforming given stream to Event and saving to C*, table)ssc.start()ssc.awaitTermination()25 26. Designing for Failure: Backups and Patching● be prepared for failures and broken data● design backup and patching strategies upfront● idempotece should be enforced 26 27. Restoring backup from S3val sc = new SparkContext(conf)sc.textFile(s"s3n://bucket/2015/*/*.gz").map(s => Try(JsonUtils.stringToEvent(s))).filter(_.isSuccess).map(_.get).saveToCassandra(config.keyspace, config.table)27 28. The big picture28 29. So what SMACK is● concise toolbox for wide variety of data processing scenarios● battle-tested and widely used software with large communities● easy scalability and replication of data while preserving low latencies● unified cluster management for heterogeneous loads● single platform for any kind of applications● implementation platform for different architecture designs● really short time-to-market (e.g. for MVP verification)29 30. Questions@antonkirillov datastrophic.io30 Recommended 100 Courses and Counting: David Rivers on ElearningOnline Course - LinkedIn Learning SMART Board Essential TrainingOnline Course - LinkedIn Learning Teaching Techniques: Writing Effective Learning ObjectivesOnline Course - LinkedIn Learning How to deploy Apache Spark 
to Mesos/DCOSLegacy Typesafe (now Lightbend) Rethinking Streaming Analytics For ScaleHelena Edelson Intro to Apache SparkMammoth Data Reactive app using actor model & apache sparkRahul Kumar Streaming Analytics with Spark, Kafka, Cassandra and AkkaHelena Edelson Streaming Big Data with Spark, Kafka, Cassandra, Akka & Scala (from webinar)Helena Edelson Sa introduction to big data pipelining with cassandra & spark west mins...Simon Ambridge About Blog Terms Privacy Copyright LinkedIn Corporation © 2018 Public clipboards featuring this slideNo public clipboards found for this slideSelect another clipboard ×Looks like you’ve clipped this slide to already.Create a clipboardYou just clipped your first slide! Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your clips. Description Visibility Others can see my Clipboard

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Data processing platforms architectures with Spark, Mesos, Akka, Cass…

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Data processing platforms architectures with Spark, Mesos, Akka, Cassandra and Kafka
SMACK Architectures
Building data processing platforms with
Spark, Mesos, Akka, Cassandra and Kafka
Anton Kirillov Big Dat...
Who is this guy?
● Scala programmer
● Focused on distributed systems
● Building data platforms with SMACK/Hadoop
● Ph.D. i...
● SMACK stack overview
● Storage layer layout
● Fixing NoSQL limitations
● Cluster resource management
● Reliable ...
● Spark - fast and general engine for distributed, large-scale data
● Mesos - cluster resource mana...
Storage Layer: Cassandra
● optimized for heavy write
● configurable CA (CAP)
● linearly scalable
● XDCR support
● ea...
Cassandra Data Model
● nested sorted map
● should be optimized for
read queries
● data is distributed across
nodes by part...
Spark/Cassandra Example
● calculate total views per
campaign for given month
for all campaigns
id uuid...
Naive Lambda example with Spark SQL
case class CampaignReport(id: String, views: Long, clicks: Long)
sql("""SELECT campaig...
Let’s take a step back: Spark Basics
● RDD operations(transformations and actions) form DAG
● DAG is split into stages of ...
Architecture of Spark/Cassandra Clusters
Separate Write & Analytics:
● clusters can be scaled
● data is repl...
Spark Applications Deployment Revisited
Cluster Manager:
● Spark Standalone
● Mesos
Managing Cluster Resources: Mesos
● heterogenous workloads
● full cluster utilization
● static vs. dynamic resource
Mesos Architecture Overview
● leader election and
service discovery via
● slaves publish available
resources to ...
Bringing Spark, Mesos and Cassandra Together
Deployment example
● Mesos Masters and
ZooKeepers collocated
● Mesos Slaves a...
● long running tasks
● HA mode with ZooKeeper
● Docker executor
● distributed cron
● HA mode with ZooKeeper
● supports graphs of jobs
● sensitive to network failures
More Mesos frameworks
● Hadoop
● Cassandra
● Kafka
● Myriad: YARN on Mesos
● Storm
● Samza
Data ingestion: endpoints to consume the data
Endpoint requirements:
● high throughput
● resiliency
● easy scalability
● b...
Akka features
class JsonParserActor extends Actor {
def receive = {
case s: String => Try(Json.parse(s).as[Event]) match {...
Writing to Cassandra with Akka
class CassandraWriterActor extends Actor with ActorLogging {
//for demo purposes, session i...
Cassandra meets Batch Processing
● writing raw data (events) to Cassandra with Akka is easy
● but computation time of aggr...
Kafka: distributed commit log
● pre-aggregation of incoming data
● consumers read data in batches
● available as Kinesis o...
Publishing to Kafka with Akka Http
val config = new ProducerConfig(KafkaConfig())
lazy val producer = new KafkaProducer[A,...
Spark Streaming
● variety of data sources
● at-least-once semantics
● exactly-once semantics
available with Kafka Direc...
Spark Streaming: Kinesis example
val ssc = new StreamingContext(conf, Seconds(10))
val kinesisStream = KinesisUtils.create...
Designing for Failure: Backups and Patching
● be prepared for failures and broken data
● design backup and patching strate...
Restoring backup from S3
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
.map(s => Try(JsonUtils....
The big picture
So what SMACK is
● concise toolbox for wide variety of data processing scenarios
● battle-tested and widely used software ...

Upcoming SlideShare

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  1. 1. SMACK Architectures Building data processing platforms with Spark, Mesos, Akka, Cassandra and Kafka Anton Kirillov Big Data AW Meetup Sep 2015
  2. 2. Who is this guy? ● Scala programmer ● Focused on distributed systems ● Building data platforms with SMACK/Hadoop ● Ph.D. in Computer Science ● Big Data engineer/consultant at Big Data AB ● Currently at Ooyala Stockholm (Videoplaza AB) ● Working with startups 2
  3. 3. Roadmap ● SMACK stack overview ● Storage layer layout ● Fixing NoSQL limitations ● Cluster resource management ● Reliable scheduling and execution ● Data ingestion options ● Preparing for failures 3
  4. 4. SMACK Stack ● Spark - fast and general engine for distributed, large-scale data processing ● Mesos - cluster resource management system that provides efficient resource isolation and sharing across distributed applications ● Akka - a toolkit and runtime for building highly concurrent, distributed, and resilient message-driven applications on the JVM ● Cassandra - distributed, highly available database designed to handle large amounts of data across multiple datacenters ● Kafka - a high-throughput, low-latency distributed messaging system designed for handling real-time data feeds 4
  5. 5. Storage Layer: Cassandra ● optimized for heavy write loads ● configurable CA (CAP) ● linearly scalable ● XDCR support ● easy cluster resizing and inter-DC data migration 5
  6. 6. Cassandra Data Model ● nested sorted map ● should be optimized for read queries ● data is distributed across nodes by partition key CREATE TABLE campaign( id uuid, year int, month int, day int, views bigint, clicks bigint, PRIMARY KEY (id, year, month, day) ); INSERT INTO campaign(id, year, month, day, views, clicks) VALUES(40b08953-a…,2015, 9, 10, 1000, 42); SELECT views, clicks FROM campaign WHERE id=40b08953-a… and year=2015 and month>8; 6
  7. 7. Spark/Cassandra Example ● calculate total views per campaign for given month for all campaigns CREATE TABLE event( id uuid, ad_id uuid, campaign uuid, ts bigint, type text, PRIMARY KEY(id) ); val sc = new SparkContext(conf) case class Event(id: UUID, ad_id: UUID, campaign: UUID, ts: Long, `type`: String) sc.cassandraTable[Event]("keyspace", "event") .filter(e => e.`type` == "view" && checkMonth(e.ts)) .map(e => (e.campaign, 1)) .reduceByKey(_ + _) .collect() 7
  8. 8. Naive Lambda example with Spark SQL case class CampaignReport(id: String, views: Long, clicks: Long) sql("""SELECT as id, campaign.views as views, campaign.clicks as clicks, event.type as type FROM campaign JOIN event ON = event.campaign """).rdd .groupBy(row => row.getAs[String]("id")) .map{ case (id, rows) => val views = rows.head.getAs[Long]("views") val clicks = rows.head.getAs[Long]("clicks") val res = rows.groupBy(row => row.getAs[String]("type")).mapValues(_.size) CampaignReport(id, views = views + res("view"), clicks = clicks + res("click")) }.saveToCassandra(“keyspace”, “campaign_report”) 8
  9. 9. Let’s take a step back: Spark Basics ● RDD operations(transformations and actions) form DAG ● DAG is split into stages of tasks which are then submitted to cluster manager ● stages combine tasks which don’t require shuffling/repartitioning ● tasks run on workers and results then return to client 9
  10. 10. Architecture of Spark/Cassandra Clusters Separate Write & Analytics: ● clusters can be scaled independently ● data is replicated by Cassandra asynchronously ● Analytics has different Read/Write load patterns ● Analytics contains additional data and processing results ● Spark resource impact limited to only one DC To fully facilitate Spark-C* connector data locality awareness, Spark workers should be collocated with Cassandra nodes 10
  11. 11. Spark Applications Deployment Revisited Cluster Manager: ● Spark Standalone ● YARN ● Mesos 11
  12. 12. Managing Cluster Resources: Mesos ● heterogenous workloads ● full cluster utilization ● static vs. dynamic resource allocation ● fault tolerance and disaster recovery ● single resource view at datacenter levelimage source: 12
  13. 13. Mesos Architecture Overview ● leader election and service discovery via ZooKeeper ● slaves publish available resources to master ● master sends resource offers to frameworks ● scheduler replies with tasks and resources needed per task ● master sends tasks to slaves 13
  14. 14. Bringing Spark, Mesos and Cassandra Together Deployment example ● Mesos Masters and ZooKeepers collocated ● Mesos Slaves and Cassandra nodes collocated to enforce better data locality for Spark ● Spark binaries deployed to all worker nodes and spark-env is configured ● Spark Executor JAR uploaded to S3 Invocation example spark-submit --class io.datastrophic.SparkJob /etc/jobs/spark-jobs.jar 14
  15. 15. Marathon ● long running tasks execution ● HA mode with ZooKeeper ● Docker executor ● REST API 15
  16. 16. Chronos ● distributed cron ● HA mode with ZooKeeper ● supports graphs of jobs ● sensitive to network failures 16
  17. 17. More Mesos frameworks ● Hadoop ● Cassandra ● Kafka ● Myriad: YARN on Mesos ● Storm ● Samza 17
  18. 18. Data ingestion: endpoints to consume the data Endpoint requirements: ● high throughput ● resiliency ● easy scalability ● back pressure 18
  19. 19. Akka features class JsonParserActor extends Actor { def receive = { case s: String => Try(Json.parse(s).as[Event]) match { case Failure(ex) => log.error(ex) case Success(event) => sender ! event } } } class HttpActor extends Actor { def receive = { case req: HttpRequest => system.actorOf(Props[JsonParserActor]) ! req.body case e: Event => system.actorOf(Props[CassandraWriterActor]) ! e } } ● actor model implementation for JVM ● message-based and asynchronous ● no shared mutable state ● easy scalability from one process to cluster of machines ● actor hierarchies with parental supervision ● not only concurrency framework: ○ akka-http ○ akka-streams ○ akka-persistence 19
  20. 20. Writing to Cassandra with Akka class CassandraWriterActor extends Actor with ActorLogging { //for demo purposes, session initialized here val session = Cluster.builder() .addContactPoint("") .build() .connect() override def receive: Receive = { case event: Event => val statement = new SimpleStatement(event.createQuery) .setConsistencyLevel(ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM) Try(session.execute(statement)) match { case Failure(ex) => //error handling code case Success => sender ! WriteSuccessfull } } } 20
  21. 21. Cassandra meets Batch Processing ● writing raw data (events) to Cassandra with Akka is easy ● but computation time of aggregations/rollups will grow with amount of data ● Cassandra is still designed for fast serving but not batch processing, so pre-aggregation of incoming data is needed ● actors are not suitable for performing aggregation due to stateless design model ● micro-batches partially solve the problem ● reliable storage for raw data is still needed 21
  22. 22. Kafka: distributed commit log ● pre-aggregation of incoming data ● consumers read data in batches ● available as Kinesis on AWS 22
  23. 23. Publishing to Kafka with Akka Http val config = new ProducerConfig(KafkaConfig()) lazy val producer = new KafkaProducer[A, A](config) val topic = “raw_events” val routes: Route = { post{ decodeRequest{ entity(as[String]){ str => JsonParser.parse(str).validate[Event] match { case s: JsSuccess[String] => producer.send(new KeyedMessage(topic, str)) case e: JsError => BadRequest -> JsError.toFlatJson(e).toString() } } } } } object AkkaHttpMicroservice extends App with Service { Http().bindAndHandle(routes, config.getString("http.interface"), config.getInt("http. port")) } 23
  24. 24. Spark Streaming 24 ● variety of data sources ● at-least-once semantics ● exactly-once semantics available with Kafka Direct and idempotent storage
  25. 25. Spark Streaming: Kinesis example val ssc = new StreamingContext(conf, Seconds(10)) val kinesisStream = KinesisUtils.createStream(ssc,appName,streamName, endpointURL,regionName, InitialPositionInStream.LATEST, Duration(checkpointInterval), StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY) } //transforming given stream to Event and saving to C* .saveToCassandra(keyspace, table) ssc.start() ssc.awaitTermination() 25
  26. 26. Designing for Failure: Backups and Patching ● be prepared for failures and broken data ● design backup and patching strategies upfront ● idempotece should be enforced 26
  27. 27. Restoring backup from S3 val sc = new SparkContext(conf) sc.textFile(s"s3n://bucket/2015/*/*.gz") .map(s => Try(JsonUtils.stringToEvent(s))) .filter(_.isSuccess).map(_.get) .saveToCassandra(config.keyspace, config.table) 27
  28. 28. The big picture 28
  29. 29. So what SMACK is ● concise toolbox for wide variety of data processing scenarios ● battle-tested and widely used software with large communities ● easy scalability and replication of data while preserving low latencies ● unified cluster management for heterogeneous loads ● single platform for any kind of applications ● implementation platform for different architecture designs ● really short time-to-market (e.g. for MVP verification) 29
  30. 30. Questions @antonkirillov 30

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