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A collection of 115 posts
Change-Data-Capture in Apache Cassandra™
Back to Resources Apache Cassandra™ provided Change-Data-Capture (CDC) starting with version 3.8. Using CDC, you can develop an application that reads changes and stores them outside of Cassandra for ...
Apache Cassandra Lunch #29: Cassandra & Kubernetes Update - Business Platform Team
November 26, 2020 by In Apache Cassandra Lunch #29: Cassandra & Kubernetes Update, we cover updates regarding Cassandra and Kubernetes after the recent KubeCon event. The live recording of Cassandra...
Out in the Open: The Abandoned Facebook Tech That Now Helps Power Apple
Mark Zuckerberg and company open sourced Cassandra in the summer 2008, and it helped kick off the now enormous NoSQL movement, along with other databases like CouchDB and MongoDB. Rackspace hired Elli...
ING | DataStax Enterprise Customer Story - YouTube
DataStax draws new path to AIOps: Vector for Apache Cassandra
Open source at the core, but not yet open in the public sense… arguably the tech industry’s most prominent enterprise Apache Cassandra company DataStax has been cooking it up over the Covid-19 lockdow...
You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe about your normal ideas on how to run DSE and your apps. You take the red pill, you stay in Won...
Announcing the Astra Service Broker: Tradeoff-Free Cassandra in Kubernetes
When you are designing and building a cloud-native application, you are probably thinking about deploying it with Kubernetes. What about the database? That can get a bit more complicated as you weigh ...
DataStax Bulk Loader Pt. 1 — Introduction and Loading
The DataStax Bulk Loader, dsbulk, is a new bulk loading utility introduced in DSE 6 (To download the DataStax Bulk Loader click here). It solves the task of efficiently loading data into DataStax Ent...