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A collection of 34 posts
Apache Cassandra Lunch #99: CQL Arithmetic Operators - Business Platform Team
In Cassandra Lunch #99, we discuss the CQL Arithmetic Operators that are now supported in Cassandra 4.0! The live recording of Cassandra Lunch, which includes a more in-depth discussion and a demo, is...
Apache Cassandra Lesson: Data Modelling and CQL3
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Cql Shell · datastaxdevs/awesome-astra Wiki
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CQL Proxy · datastaxdevs/awesome-astra Wiki
Cassandra-Similarities and Differences between the SQL and CQL languages
Post Views: 8,148 Dear Readers, In this article we will see Similarities and Differences between the SQL and CQL languages. Every database must provide appropriate languages and...
Under Development: The GoCQL package is currently actively developed and the API may change in the future.Cluster ManagementGoCQL automatically discovers all data centers, racks and hosts in your c...
Cassandra 2.1 boot camp, Protocol, Queries, CQL
Cassandra 2.1 boot camp, Protocol, Queries, CQL Successfully reported this slideshow.Your SlideShare is downloading.Cassandra 2.1 boot camp, Protocol, Queries, CQLUpcoming...
Apache Cassandra Lunch #37: CQL Copy for Data Operations - Business Platform Team
February 18, 2021 by In Apache Cassandra Lunch #37: CQL Copy for Data Operations, we cover CQL Copy and how we can use it for Cassandra data operations. The live recording of Cassandra Lunch, which ...