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by calvinlfer

The Cassandra Sink provided by alpakka is meantto be used when you want to push elements from your stream into a Cassandra table. The example on the website shows asimple use case which persists an integer to a table. Here we look at how we can persist a case class to a target class Customer(customerId: UUID, age: Int, pay: Long)One big gotcha is figuring out how to write the BoundStatement in Scala which involves performing type conversions toJava since the underlying Datastax driver that is used to communicate with Cassandra is Java based. val cassandraSink: Sink[Customer, Future[Done]] = { implicit val session: Session = ... val insertPreparedStatement: PreparedStatement = session.prepare(s"INSERT INTO customers_by_customer_id(customerId, age, pay) VALUES (?, ?, ?)") // you need to convert each Scala type to a Java type when binding values to the prepared statement in order to create the bound statement // we deconstruct our Scala case class and explicitly use the Java type instead of the Scala type on the destructured fields val statementBinder: (Customer, PreparedStatement) => BoundStatement = (c, ps) => ps.bind(c.customerId: java.util.UUID, c.age: java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Long) CassandraSink[Customer](parallelism = 10, statement = insertPreparedStatement, statementBinder = statementBinder) }Cassandra TableThe Cassandra table schema is provided here:CREATE TABLE customers_by_customer_id ( customerId uuid, age int, pay bigint, PRIMARY KEY((customerid)));Local developmentIf you have Docker and Docker Compose installed, just run docker-compose up to bring up Cassandra in a Dockercontainer.

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The Cassandra Sink provided by alpakka is meant to be used when you want to push elements from your stream into a Cassandra table. The example on the website shows a simple use case which persists an integer to a table. Here we look at how we can persist a case class to a target table.

case class Customer(customerId: UUID, age: Int, pay: Long)

One big gotcha is figuring out how to write the BoundStatement in Scala which involves performing type conversions to Java since the underlying Datastax driver that is used to communicate with Cassandra is Java based.

  val cassandraSink: Sink[Customer, Future[Done]] = {
    implicit val session: Session = ...
    val insertPreparedStatement: PreparedStatement = session.prepare(s"INSERT INTO customers_by_customer_id(customerId, age, pay) VALUES (?, ?, ?)")
    // you need to convert each Scala type to a Java type when binding values to the prepared statement in order to create the bound statement
    // we deconstruct our Scala case class and explicitly use the Java type instead of the Scala type on the destructured fields
    val statementBinder: (Customer, PreparedStatement) => BoundStatement = (c, ps) => ps.bind(c.customerId: java.util.UUID, c.age: java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Long)
    CassandraSink[Customer](parallelism = 10, statement = insertPreparedStatement, statementBinder = statementBinder)

Cassandra Table

The Cassandra table schema is provided here:

CREATE TABLE customers_by_customer_id (
  customerId uuid,
  age int,
  pay bigint,
  PRIMARY KEY((customerid))

Local development

If you have Docker and Docker Compose installed, just run docker-compose up to bring up Cassandra in a Docker container.

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