Getting Started
To generate the basic pom.xml I navigated to From there I filled in the following:
- Group:
- Artifact:
I then added the following dependencies:
- Web
- Thymeleaf
- Actuator
- Cassandra
Data Model
The information that we are tracking are:
- User (text)
- Trip (text)
- Expense Timestamp (timestamp)
- Category (text)
- Amount (double)
- Comment (text)
The table schema is:
CREATE KEYSPACE IF NOT EXISTS expensivest WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '1'};
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS expensivest.expenses( user TEXT, trip TEXT, expts TIMESTAMP, category TEXT, amount DOUBLE, comment TEXT, PRIMARY KEY ((user), trip, expts) ) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (trip ASC, expts DESC); CREATE SEARCH INDEX IF NOT EXISTS ON expensivest.expenses;
Navigate to http://localhost:8222/
to see a "Hello World" message.
Navigate to http://localhost:8222/web
to see a webpage interface to
Expensivest, including create, delete, and various find queries.
REST Endpoints with Spring Data Cassandra
Navigate to http://localhost:8222/api
to see the list of endpoints
Endpoint | Return ------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------- api/hello | Prints Hello World api/user?user={user} | Prints all expenses for "user" api/user_trip?user={user}&trip={trip} | Prints all expenses for "user" for "trip" api/category?category={category} | Prints all expenses for "category" api/category/like?category={category} | Prints all expenses for category like "category" api/category/starting?category={category} | Prints all expenses for category starting with "category" api/amount/gt?amount={amount} | Prints all expenses for amount greater than "amount" api/add | Adds expense based on POSTed data api/delete | Deletes expense based on POSTed data
curl http://localhost:8222/hello curl http://localhost:8222/api curl http://localhost:8222/api/user?user=bhess curl http://localhost:8222/api/user_trip?user=bhess&trip=first curl http://localhost:8222/api/category?category=fun curl http://localhost:8222/api/category/like?category=fu% curl http://localhost:8222/api/category/starting?category=f curl http://localhost:8222/api/amount/gt?amount=250 curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"key": {"user":"bhess", "trip":"first", "expts":"2018-01-01T01:00:00"}, "category":"work", "amount":"10.00", "comment":"NA"}' http://localhost:8222/api/add
REST Endpoints with DSE Object Mapper
Navigate to http://localhost:8222/dse
to see the list of endpoints
Endpoint | Return ------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------- dse/hello | Prints Hello World dse/user?user={user} | Prints all expenses for "user" dse/user_trip?user={user}&trip={trip} | Prints all expenses for "user" for "trip" dse/category?category={category} | Prints all expenses for "category" dse/category/like?category={category} | Prints all expenses for category like "category" dse/category/starting?category={category} | Prints all expenses for category starting with "category" dse/amount/gt?amount={amount} | Prints all expenses for amount greater than "amount" dse/add | Adds expense based on POSTed data dse/delete | Deletes expense based on POSTed data dse/sum_count/global | Global sum and count for expenses dse/sum_count/user | Sum and count of expenses grouped by user dse/sum_count/user_and_trip | Sum and count of expenses grouped by user and trip
curl http://localhost:8222/dse/hello curl http://localhost:8222/dse curl http://localhost:8222/dse/user?user=bhess curl http://localhost:8222/dse/user_trip?user=bhess&trip=first curl http://localhost:8222/dse/category?category=fun curl http://localhost:8222/dse/category/like?category=fu% curl http://localhost:8222/dse/category/starting?category=f curl http://localhost:8222/dse/amount/gt?amount=250 curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{user":"bhess", "trip":"first", "expts":"2018-01-01 01:00:00", "category":"work", "amount":"10.00", "comment":"NA"}' http://localhost:8222/dse/add curl http://localhost:8222/dse/sum_count/global curl http://localhost:8222/dse/sum_count/user curl http://localhost:8222/dse/sum_count/user_and_trip