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A collection of 1475 posts
Introduction to Apache Cassandra: What is Apache Cassandra | Ksolves
Feb 09, 2021In today’s digital age, there is a ton of data that is stored and passed through the world wide web. All this data comes forth from different devices like – computers, tablets, smartphones...
What’s New in Apache Cassandra 4.0
By Deepak Vohra - March 16, 2020Apache Cassandra is an open source, distributed NoSQL database based on the wide column model. The highly scalable, highly available database is great for handling larg...
Reaper 2.2 for Apache Cassandra was released
We’re pleased to announce that Reaper 2.2 for Apache Cassandra was just released. This release includes a major redesign of how segments are orchestrated, which allows users to run concurrent repairs ...
What's new in Apache Zeppelin's Cassandra interpreter
The upcoming Zeppelin 0.9 is a very big release for Apache Zeppelin (the 0.9.0-preview2 was just released). A lot has happened since release of the 0.8.x series - better support for Spark & Flink, n...
This collection called cassandra aims at providing all Ansible modules allowing to interact with Apache Cassandra.As this is an independent Collection, it can be released on it's own release cadan...
Courses and scenarios authored by DataStax | Katacoda
Change Avatar In order to change your avatar, you are required to place the desired avatar.png file within the assets/ directory at the base of your profile's configured git repository. Fo...
Cassandra Architecture Tutorial | Simplilearn
Welcome to the third lesson ‘Cassandra Architecture.’ of the Apache Cassandra Certification Course. This lesson will provide an overview of the Cassandra architecture.Let us begin with the objectives ...
Out in the Open: The Abandoned Facebook Tech That Now Helps Power Apple
Mark Zuckerberg and company open sourced Cassandra in the summer 2008, and it helped kick off the now enormous NoSQL movement, along with other databases like CouchDB and MongoDB. Rackspace hired Elli...