Installs and configures N number of Cassandra nodes in a cluster on Rackspace Public Cloud & (AWS WIP)
- Ansible > v1.8
- Rackspace Public Cloud account
Configuration and files
config/group_vars/all: contains global variables for cluster settings
- Builds the entire stack -->
\ansible-playbook config/db-server.yml -f 20
\ansible-playbook -i scripts/ config/db.yml -f 20
\ansible -vvvv -u root -i scripts/ db -m ping -f 20
- Pings all nodes with verbose output
- Deletes all nodes in cluster with name defined in "all" group_vars.
Gotcha's and bugs
- if a node fails to build on the initial run, you can rerun the same but will need to cleanup the directories and restart cassandra again
ansible -vvvv -u root -i scripts/ ds_db -m shell -a "rm -rf /var/lib/cassandra/*" -f 20 ansible -vvvv -u root -i scripts/ ds_db -m shell -a "service cassandra restart" -f 20