Sorry about missing last week, but my birthday won out overworking: Ouch! @john_overholt:My actual life is now a science exhibit about the primitiveconditions of the past.If you like this sortof Stuff then please supportme onPatreon.1PB: SSD in 1U chassis; 90%: savingsusing EC2 Spot for containers; 16:forms of inertia; $2.1B: Alibaba’s profit; 22.6B: app downloads in Q2; 25%: Google generated internet traffic; 20by 20 micrometers: quantum random number generators;16: lectures on Convolutional Neural Networks for VisualRecognition; 25,000: digitizedgramophone records; 280%: increase in IoTattacks; 6.5%:world's GDP goes to subsidizing fossil fuel; 832TB: ZFS on Linux; $250,000:weekly take from breaking slot machines; 30: galatic message exchanges using artificial megastructuresin 100,000 years; Quotable Quotes:@chris__martin:ALIENS: we bring you a gift of reliable computing technol--HUMANS: oh no we have that already but JS is easier to hirefor@rakyll: "Youwoman, you like intern." I interned on F-16's flight computer. Evenmy internship was 100x more legit than any job you will have.@CodeWisdom:"Debugging is like being the detective in a crime movie where youare also the murderer." - Filipe FortesWilliam Gibson: what I find far more ominous is how seldom,today, we see the phrase “the 22nd century.” Almost never. Comparethis with the frequency with which the 21st century was evoked inpopular culture during, say, the 1920s.Arador: Amazon EC2, Microsoft Azure and Google Gloud Platformare all seriously screwing their customers over when it comes tobandwidth charges. Every one of the big three has massivebuying power yet between them their average bandwidth price is 3.4xhigher than colocation facilities.@mattklein123:Good thread: my view: 1) most infra startups will fail. It's anawful business to be in (sorry all, much ❤️).Jean-Louis Gassée: With Services, Apple enjoys thebenefits of a virtuous circle: Hardware sales create Servicesrevenue opportunities; Services makes hardware more attractive and“stickier”. Like Apple Stores, Services are part of the ecosystem.Such is the satisfying simplicity and robustness of Apple’sbusiness model.cardine: Theprice difference between Hetzner and AWS is large enough that itcould pay for 4x as much computational power (as much redundancy asyou'd ever need), three full time system admins (not that you'dever need them), and our office lease... with plenty of money leftover!BrujoBenavides: Communication is Key: Have you ever watched a movieor a soap opera and thought “If you would’ve just told her that, wewould’ve avoided 3 entire episodes, you moron!”. Happens to me allthe time. At Inaka we learned that the hard way.@f3ew:Doesn't matter how many layers of stateless services you have inthe middle, the interesting ends have state.brianwawok: Mycloud cost is less than 5% of my bussiness costs using GCE. Wouldbe foolish to move it to lower my costs 2%.@f3ew: Statelessservices are as relevant as routers. Pattern match, compute, pushto next layer.Horace Dediu~ when yououtsource you're taking knowledge out of your company, which endsup gutting it in terms of the value that is added JasonCalacanis: Google was the twelfth search engine. Facebook wasthe tenth social network. iPad was the twentieth tablet. It’s notwho gets there first. It’s who gets there first when the market’sready.puzzle: TheB4 paper states multiple times that Google runs links at almost100% saturation, versus the standard 30-40%. That's accomplishedthrough the use of SDN technology and, even before that, throughstrict application of QoS.@stu: Serverless has in many ways eclipsed the containersdiscussion for the hot buzz in the industry@mjpt777: GCis a wonderful thing but I cannot help but feel it leaves thetypical developer even less prepared for distributed resourcemanagement.joaodlf: Sparkworks and does a good job, it has many features that I can see ususe in the future too. With that said, it's yet another piece oftech that bloats our stack. I would love to reduce our tech debt:We are much more familiar with relational databases like MySQL andPostgres, but we fear they won't answer the analytics problems wehave, hence Cassandra and Spark. We use these technologies out ofnecessity, not love for them.tobyjsullivan: No,dear author. Setting up the AWS billing alarm was the smartestthing you ever did. It probably saved you tens of thousands ofdollars (or at least the headache associated with fighting Amazonover the bill). Developers make mistakes. It's part of thejob. It's not unusual or bad in any way. A bad developer is one whodenies that fact and fails to prepare for it. A great developer isone like the author.GeoffWozniak: Regardless of whether I find that stored proceduresaren't actually that evil or whether I keep using templated SQL, Ido know one thing: I won't fall into the "ORMs make it easy"trap.@BenedictEvans: Partof what distinguishes today’s big tech companies is a continualpush against complacency. They saw the last 20 years and read thebooksJohn Patrick Pullen: In the upcoming fall issue of Portermagazine, the 21-yer-old X-Men: Apocalypse star said, "I auditionedfor a project and it was between me and another girl who is a farbetter actress than I am, far better, but I had the followers, so Igot the job," according to The Telegraph. "It’s not right, but itis part of the movie industry now."Rachel Adler: Naturally, faster prints drove up demand forpaper, and soon traditional methods of paper production couldn’tkeep up. The paper machine, invented in France in 1799 at the Didotfamily’s paper mill, could make 40 times as much paper per day asthe traditional method, which involved pounding rags into pulp byhand using a mortar and pestle.pawelkomarnicki:As a person that can get the product from scratch to production andscale it, I can say I'm a full-stack developer. Can I feel mythicalnow?Risto: Beforeintegrating any payment flow make sure you understand the wholeflow and the different payment states trialing -> active ->unpaid -> cancelled. For Braintree there is a flow chart. ForStripe there is one too. Both payment providers have REST API’s somake sure to play through the payment flows before starting actualcoding.Seyi Fabode: I have 3 neighbors in close proximity who alsohave solar panels on their roofs. And a couple of other neighborswith electric cars. What says we can’t start our own mini-gridsystem between ourselves?pixl97: Muscles/limbsare only 'vastly' more efficient if you consider they have largenumbers of nano scale support systems constantly rebuilding them.Since we don't have nanobots, gears will be better for machines.Also, nature didn't naturally develop a axle.BraveNew Greek: I sympathize with the Go team’s desire to keepthe overall surface area of the language small and the complexitylow, but I have a hard time reconciling this with the existingbuilt-in generics and continued use of interface{} in the standardlibrary.@jeffhollan: Agreeto a point. But where does PaaS become “serverless”? Feel should be‘infinite’ scale of dynamic allocation of resources + microbill@kcimc: commontempos in 1M songs, 1959-2011: 120 bpm takes over in the late 80s,and bpms at multiples of 10 emerge in the mid 90sHow to Map the Circuits That Define Us: If neural circuits canteach one lesson, it is that no network is too small to yieldsurprises — or to frustrate attempts at comprehension.@orskov: InQ2, The Wall Street Journal had 1,270,000 daily digital-onlysubscribers, a 34% increase compared to last yearThrust Zone: A panel including tech billionaire Elon Musk isdiscussing the fact that technology has progressed so much that itmay soon destroy us and they have to pass microphones totalk.@damonedwards: Whenwe are all running containers in public clouds, I’m really going tomiss datacenter folks one-upping each other on hardwarespecs.@BenedictEvans: 186page telecoms report from 1994. 5 pages on ‘videophones’: nomention of internet. 10 pages saying web will lose to VR. Nothingon mobileThomas Metzinger: The superintelligence concludes thatnon-existence is in the own best interest of all futureself-conscious beings on this planet. Empirically, it knows thatnaturally evolved biological creatures are unable to realize thisfact because of their firmly anchored existence bias. Thesuperintelligence decides to act benevolently.Jeremy Eder: As with all public cloud, you can do whatever youwant…for a price. BurstBalance is the creation of folks whowant you to get hooked on great performance (gp2 can run at 3000+IOPS), but then when you start doing something more than dev/testand run into these weird issues, you’re already hooked and you haveno choice but to pay more for a service that is actuallyusable.Katz and Fan: After all, the important thing for anyone lookingto launder money through a casino isn’t to win. It’s to exchangemillions of dollars for chips you can swap for cool, untraceablecash at the end of the night.Caitie McCaffrey: Verification in industry generally consistsof unit tests, monitoring, and canaries. While this provides someconfidence in the system's correctness, it is not sufficient. Moreexhaustive unit and integration tests should be written. Tools suchas random model checkers should be used to test a large subset ofthe state space. In addition, forcing a system to fail via faultinjection should be more widely used. Even simple tests such asrunning kill −9 on a primary node have found catastrophicbugs.Zupa:FPGAs give you most of the benefits of special-purpose processors,for a fraction of the cost. They are about 10x slower, but thatmeans an FPGA based bitcoin miner is still 100k times faster than aprocessor based onemenge101work: I'm not sure if the implication is that our CPUswill have gate arrays on chip with the generic CPU, that is aninteresting idea. But if they are not on chip, the gate array willnever be doing anything in a few clock cycles. It'll be more akinto going out to memory, the latency between a real memory load andan L1 or L2 cache hit is huge. (reference)Not to say that being able to do complex work on dedicatedhardware won't still be fast, but the difference between on-die andoff-die is a huge difference in how big of a change this couldbe.Animats: Thisarticle [WhyMany Smart Contract Use Cases Are Simply Impossible] outlinesthe basic problem. If you want smart contracts that do anything offchain, there have to be connections to trusted services thatprovide information and take actions. If you have trusted servicesavailable, you may not need a blockchain.The article points outthat you can't construct an ordinary loan on chain, because youhave no way to enforce paying it back short of tying up the loanedfunds tor the duration of the loan. Useful credit fundamentallyrequires some way of making debtors pay up later. It's possible toconstruct various speculative financial products entirely on chain,and that's been done, but it's mostly useful for gambling, broadlydefined.curun1r: Yourcharacterization of startup cloud costs is laughably outdated. Withcredits for startups and the ability to go serverless, I've knownstartups that didn't pay a dime for hosting their entire first yeardespite reaching the threshold of hundreds of customers and over$1m ARR. One of my friends actually started doing some ML stuff onAWS because he wanted to use his remaining credits before theyexpired and his production and staging workloads weren't going toget him there. I'd say it makes no sense to buy your 32gb,16-core single point of fail, waste $40/mo and half a day settingit up and then have to keep it running yourself when you can easilyspin up an API in API Gateway/Lambda that dumps data intodynamo/simpledb and front it with a static site in S3. That setupscales well enough to be mentioned on HN without getting hugged todeath and is kept running by someone else. And if it is, literally,free for the first year, how is that not a no brainer?Neil Irwin: In this way of thinking about productivity,inventors and business innovators are always cooking up better waysto do things, but it takes a labor shortage and high wages to coaxfirms to deploy the investment it takes to actually put thoseinnovations into widespread use. In other words, instead ofworrying so much about robots taking away jobs, maybe we shouldworry more about wages being too low for the robots to even get achance.Don't miss all that the Internet has to say on Scalability,click below and become eventually consistent with all scalabilityknowledge (which means this post has many more items to read soplease keep on reading)... 1. Hello, World!Hi, I’m Paul Brebner and this is a “Hello, World!” blog tointroduce myself and test everything out. I’m very excited to havestarted at Instaclustr last week as a Technology Evangelist. One of the cool things to happen in my first week was thatInstaclustr celebrated a significant milestone when it exceeded 1Petabyte (1PB) of data under management. Is this a lot ofdata? Well, yes! A Petabyte is 10^15 bytes, 1 Quadrillion bytes(which sounds more impressive!), or 1,000,000,000,000,000bytes.Also, I’m a Petabyte Person. Apart from my initials beingPB, the human brain was recently estimated to have 1PB of storagecapacity, not bad for a 1.4kg meat computer! So inthis post, I’m going to introduce myself and some of what I’velearned about Instaclustr by exploring what that Petabytemeans.Folklore has it that the 1st “Hello, World!” program waswritten in BCPL (the programming language that led to C), which Iused to program a 6809 microprocessor I built in the early 1980’s.In those days the only persistent storage I had were 8-inch floppydisks. Each disk could hold 1MB of data, so you’d need 10^9(1,000,000,000) 8-inch floppy disks to hold 1PB of data. That’s a LOT of disks, and would weigh a whopping 31,000tonnes, as much as the German WWII Pocket Battleship the AdmiralGraf Spee.Source: Wikipedia1PB of data is also a lot in terms of my experience. I worked in R&D for CSIRO and UCL in the areas ofmiddleware, distributed systems, grid computing, and sensornetworks etc between 1996-2007. During 2003 I was the softwarearchitect for a CSIRO Grid cluster computing project withBig Astronomy Data – all 2TB of it. 1PB is500,000 times more data than that.What do Instaclustr and the Large Hadron Collider have incommon?Source: cms.cernApart from the similarity of the Instaclustr Logo and theaerial shot of the LHC? (The circular pattern)Source: SequimScienceThe LHC “Data Centre processesabout one petabyte of data every day“. Moreastonishing is that the LHC has a huge number of detectors which spit out data atthe astonishing rate of 1PB/s – most of which they don’t (andcan’t) store.2. Not just Data SizeBut there’s more to data than just the dimension of size.There are large amounts of “dead” data lying around on archivalstorage media which is more or less useless. But live dynamic datais extremely useful and is of enormous business value. So apartfrom being able to store 1PB of data (and more), you need to beable to: write data fast enough, keep track of what data you have,find the data and use it, have 24×7 availability, and havesufficient processing and storage capacity on-demand to do usefulthings as fast as possible (scalability and elasticity). Howis this possible? Instaclustr!The Instaclustr value proposition is:“Reliability at scale.”Instaclustr solves the problem of “reliability at scale”via a combination of Scalable Open Source Big Data technologies,Public Cloud hosting, and Instaclustr’s own Managed Servicestechnologies (including cloud provisioning, cluster monitoring andmanagement, automated repairs and backups, performanceoptimization, scaling and elasticity).How does this enable reliability at Petabyte data scale?Here’s just one example. If you have 1PB+ of data on multiple SSDsin your own data centre an obvious problem would bedata durability. 1PB is a lot ofdata, and SSDs are NOT 100% error free (the main problem is“quantum tunneling” which “drills holes” in SSDs and imposes amaximum number of writes). Thesepeople did the experiment to see how many writesit took before different SSDs died, and the answer is in some casesit’s less than 1PB. So, SSDs will fail and you will lose data –unless you have taken adequate precautions and continue to do so.The whole system must be designed and operated assuming failure isnormal.The Cassandra NoSQL database itself is designed for highdurability by replicating data on as many different nodes as youspecify (it’s basically a shared-nothing P2P distributed system). Instaclustr enhances this durability by providing automaticincremental backups (to S3 on AWS), multiple region deployments forAWS, automated repairs, and 24×7 monitoring andmanagement.3. The Data Network Effect1PB of data under management by Instaclustr is anoteworthy milestone, but that’s not the end of the story. Theamount of data will GROW! The Network effect is what happenswhen the value of a product or service increasessubstantially with the number of other people using it. The classicexample is the telephone system. A single telephone isuseless, but 100 telephones connected together (even manually by anoperator!) is really useful, and so the network grows rapidly. DataNetwork effects are related to the amount andinterconnectedness of data in a system. For Instaclustr customers the Data Network effect islikely to be felt in two significant ways. Firstly, theamount of data customers have in their Cassandra cluster willincrease – as it increases over time the value will increasesignificantly; also velocity: the growth of data, services, sensorsand applications in the related ecosystems – e.g in the AWSecosystem – will accelerate. Secondly, the continued growthin clusters and data under management provides considerable moreexperience, learned knowledge and capabilities for managingyour data and clusters.Here’s a prediction. I’ve only got 3 data points to go on.When Instaclustr started (in 2014) it was managing 0PB of data. Atthe end of 2016 this had increased to 0.5PB, and in July 2017 wereached 1PB. Assuming the amount of data continues to double at thesame rate in the future, then the total data under management byInstaclustr may increase massively over the next 3 years(Graph of Months vs PB of data).4. What next?I started as Technology Evangelist at Instaclustr (lastweek). My background for the last 10 years has been a seniorresearch scientist in NICTA (National ICT Australia, now mergedwith CSIRO as Data61), and for the last few years at CTO/consultantwith a NICTA start-up specializing in performance engineering (viaPerformance Data Analytics and Modelling). I’ve invented someperformance analytics techniques, commercialized them in a tool,and applied them to client problems, often in the context of BigData Analytics problems. The tool we developed actually usedCassandra (but in a rather odd way, we needed to store very largevolumes of performance data for later analysis from a simulationengine, hours of data could be simulated and needed to be persistedin a few seconds and Cassandra was ideal for that use case). I’malso an AWS Associate Solution Architect. Before all this, I was aComputer Scientist, Machine Learning researcher, Software Engineer,Software Architect, UNIX systems programmer, etc. Some ofthis may come in useful for getting up to speed with Cassandraetc.Over the next few months, the plan is for me to understandthe Instaclustr technologies from “end user” and developerperspectives, develop and try out some sample applications, andblog about them. I’m going to start with the internal Instaclustruse case for Cassandra, which is the heart of the performance datamonitoring tool (Instametrics). Currently there’s lots of performance data stored inCassandra, but only a limited amount of analysis and predictionbeing done (just aggregation). It should be feasible and aninteresting learning exercise to do some performance analytics onthe Cassandra data performance data to predict interesting eventsin advance and take remedial action.I’m planning to start out with some basic use cases andprogramming examples for Cassandra (e.g. how do you connect toCassandra, how do you find out what’s in it, how do get data out ofit, how do you do simple queries such as finding “outliers”, how doyou more complex Data Analytics (e.g. regression analysis, ML,etc), etc. I’ll probably start out very simple. e.g. Cassandra& Java on my laptop, having a look at some sample Cassandradata, try some simple Data analytics, then move to more complexexamples as the need arises. E.g. Cassandra on Instaclustr, Java onAWS, Spark + MLLib, etc. I expect to make some mistakes and revisethings as I go. Most of all I hope to make itinteresting.Watch this space The post Paul Brebner (the Petabyte Person) joins Instaclustr (the PetabyteCompany) appeared first on Instaclustr. A handy feature was silently added to Apache Cassandra’s nodetool just over a year ago. Thefeature added was the -j(jobs) option. This little gem controls the number of compactionthreads to use when running either a scrub, cleanup, or upgradesstables. The option was added tonodetool via CASSANDRA-11179to version 3.5. It has been back ported to Apache Cassandraversions 2.1.14, 2.2.6, and 3.5.If unspecified, nodetoolwill use 2 compaction threads. When this value is set to 0 allavailable compaction threads are used to perform the operation.Note that the total number of available compaction threads iscontrolled by the concurrent_compactors property in thecassandra.yaml configuration file. Examples of how it canbe used are as follows.$ nodetool scrub -j 3$ nodetool cleanup -j 1$ nodetool upgradesstables -j 1 The option is most useful in situations where disk space isscarce and a limited number of threads for the operation need to beused to avoid disk exhaustion. Introduction I’ve wanted to create a system which inits core uses event sourcing for quite a while - actually sinceI’ve read Martin Kleppmann’s MakingSense of Stream Processing. The book isreally amazing, Martin tends to explain all concepts from basicbuilding blocks and in a really simple and understandable way. Irecommend it to everyone. The idea is to have a running Cassandracluster and to evolve a system with no downtime in such a way thatKafka is the Source of Truth with immutable facts. Every othersystem (in this case Cassandra cluster) should use these facts andaggregate / transform them for its purpose. Also, since all factsare in Kafka, it should be easy to drop the whole database, index,cache or any other data system and recreate it from scratchagain. Thefollowing diagrams should illustrate the systemevolution. Starting systemarchitecture Target systemarchitecture When observing the diagrams, it seems likea pretty straightforward and trivial thing to do, but there’s moreto it, especially when you want to do it with nodowntime. Evolutionbreakdown Itried to break down the evolution process to a few conceptual stepsand this is what I came up with: Have a mechanism to push each Cassandrachange to Kafka with timestampStart collecting each Cassandra change totemporary Kafka topic I need to start collecting before asnapshot is taken, otherwise there will be a time window in whichincoming changes would be lost, and it also needs to go totemporary topic since there is data in the database which should befirst in an ordered sequence of events Take the existing databasesnapshot This one ispretty straightforward Start reading data from the snapshot intothe right Kafka topic Since the data from the snapshot wascreated first, it should be placed first intoKafka After the snapshot is read, redirect thedata from the temporary Kafka topic to the right Kafka topic, butmind the timestamp when the snapshot is taken This step is essential to be donecorrectly, and could be considered as the hardest part. Sincechange event collecting started before the snapshot, there is apossibility that some events also exist in the snapshot as welland, to avoid inconsistencies, each event should be idempotent andI should try to be as precise as possible when comparing the eventtimestamp with the snapshot timestamp Create a new Cassandracluster/keyspace/table and Kafka stream to read from Kafka andinsert into this new Cassandracluster/keyspace/table As a result, the new cassandra clustershould be practically a copy/clone of the existingone Waitfor the temporary Kafka topic to deplete If I change the application to read fromthe new cassandra right away, and Kafka temporary topic stilldoesn’t catch up with system, there will be significant read delays(performance penalties) in the system. To make sure everything isin order, I think monitoring of time to propagate the change to thenew Cassandra cluster will help and if the number is decent (a fewmilliseconds), I can proceed to the nextstep Change the application to read from the newcassandra instead of old and still write to oldSince everything is done within theno downtime context, the application is actually several instancesof application on different nodes, and they won’t be changedsimultaneously, that would cause the downtime. I’d need to changeone at a time, while others are still having the old softwareversion. For this reason, the application still needs to write tothe old cassandra, since other application nodes are still readingfrom the old cassandra. When each application instance is updated,change the application to write directly to Kafka righttopic Now each node,one by one, can be updated with new application version which willwrite directly to Kafka. In parallel, old nodes will write to theold Cassandra which will propagate to Kafka topic, and new nodeswill write directly to the Kafka topic. When the change iscomplete, all nodes are writing directly to the Kafka topic and weare good to go. Clean up At this point, the system writes to theright Kafka topic, the stream is reading from it and making insertsinto the new Cassandra. The old Cassandra and Kafka temporary topicare no longer necessary so it should be safe for me to removethem. Well, that’s the plan, so we’ll seewhether it is doable or not. There are a few motivating factors whyI’ve chosen to evolve an existing system instead of building onethe way I want from scratch. It is more challenging, hence morefun The need forevolving existing systems is the everyday job of softwaredevelopers; you don’t get a chance to build a system for a startingset of requirements with guarantee that nothing in it will everchange (except for a college project,perhaps) When asystem needs to change, you can choose two ways, to build a new onefrom scratch and when ready replace the old or to evolve theexisting. I’ve done the former a few times in my life, and it mightseem as fun at the beginning, but it takes awfully long, with a lotof bug fixing, often ends up as a catastrophe and is alwaysexpensive Evolving asystem takes small changes with more control, instead of placing atotally new system instead of the old.I’m a fan of Martin Fowler’s blog,EvolutionaryDatabase Design fitsparticularly nicely in this topic Since writing about thisin a single post would render quite a huge post, I’ve decided tosplit it into a few, I’m still not sure how many, but I’ll startand see where it takes me. Bear with me.Data modelI’ll start with data model.Actually, it is just one simple table, but it should be enough todemonstrate the idea. The following CQL code describes thetable. CREATETABLE IF NOT EXISTS movies_by_genre (title text,genre text,year int,ratingfloat,duration int,director text,country text,PRIMARY KEY ((genre, year), rating,duration)) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (rating DESC,duration ASC) The usecase for this table might not be that common, since the table isactually designed to have a complex primary key with at least twocolumns as a partition key and at least two clustering columns. Thereason for that is it will leverage examples, since handling of acomplex primary key might be needed for someone readingthis. Inorder to satisfy the first item from the Evolution breakdown, Ineed a way to push each Cassandra change to Kafka with a timestamp.There are a few ways to do it: Cassandra Triggers, Cassandra CDC,Cassandra Custom Secondary Index and possibly some other ways, butI’ll investigate only the three mentioned.CassandraTriggers Forthis approach I’ll use two Cassandra 3.11.0 nodes, two Kafka0.10.1.1 nodes and one Zookeeper 3.4.6. Every node will run in aseparate Docker container. I decided to use Docker since it keepsmy machine clean and it is easy to recreateinfrastructure. To create a trigger in Cassandra, ITriggerinterface needs to be implemented. The interface itself is prettysimple: publicinterface ITrigger {publicCollection<Mutation> augment(Partition update);} And that’s allthere is to it. The interface has been changed since Cassandra 3.0.Earlier versions of Cassandra used the followinginterface: public interface ITrigger {public Collection<Mutation> augment(ByteBufferpartitionKey, ColumnFamily update);} Before I dive into implementation, let’sdiscuss the interface a bit more. There are several importantpoints regarding the implementation that need to be honored andthose points are explained on the interface’sjavadoc: Implementation of this interface should onlyhave a constructor without parametersITrigger implementation canbe instantiated multiple times during the server life time.(Depends on the number of times the trigger folder isupdated.) ITriggerimplementation should be stateless (avoid dependency on instancevariables). Besides that, augment method is calledexactly once per update and Partition object containsall relevant information about the update. You might notice thatreturn type is not void but rather a collectionof mutations. This way trigger can be implemented to perform someadditional changes when certain criteria are met. But since I justwant to propagate data to Kafka, I’ll just read the updateinformation, send it to Kafka and return empty mutation collection.In order not to pollute this article with a huge amount of code,I’ve created maven project which creates a JAR file, and theproject can be found here.I’ll try to explain the code in theproject. Firstly, there is a FILE_PATH constant, whichpoints to /etc/cassandra/triggers/KafkaTrigger.ymland this is where YAML configuration for trigger class needs to be.It should contain configuration options for Kafka brokers and fortopic name. The file is pretty simple, since the whole filecontains just the following two lines:bootstrap.servers:cluster_kafka_1:9092,cluster_kafka_2:9092 I’ll cometo that later when we build our docker images. Next, there is aconstructor which initializes the Kafka producer and ThreadPoolExecutor. I couldhave done it without ThreadPoolExecutor, but thereason for it is that the trigger augment call is onCassandra’s write path and in that way it impacts Cassandra’s writeperformances. To minimize that, I’ve moved trigger execution tobackground thread. This is doable in this case, since I am notmaking any mutations, I can just start the execution in anotherthread and return an empty list of mutations immediately. In casewhen the trigger needs to make a mutation based on partitionchanges, that would need to happen in the samethread. Reading data from partition update inaugment method is really a mess. Cassandra API is not thatintuitive and I went through a real struggle to read all thenecessary information. There are a few different ways to update apartition in Cassandra, and these are ones I’vecovered: InsertUpdateDelete of directorcolumn Delete oftitle column Deleteof both director and title columnsDelete of rowDelete range of rows for last clusteringcolumn (duration between some values)Delete all rows for specific ratingclustering columnDelete range of rows for first clusteringcolumn (rating between some values)Delete wholepartition A simplified algorithm wouldbe: if(isPartitionDeleted(partition)) {handle partitiondelete;} else {if(isRowUpdated(partition)) {if(isRowDeleted(partition)) {handle row delete;} else {if (isCellDeleted(partition)) {handle cell delete;} else {handleupsert;}}} else if(isRangeDelete(partition)) {handle range delete;}} Ineach case, JSON is generated and sent to Kafka. Each messagecontains enough information to recreate Cassandra CQL query fromit. Besidesthat, there are a few helper methods for reading the YAMLconfiguration and that is all. In order to test everything, I’ve chosenDocker, as stated earlier. I’m using Cassandradocker image with 3.11.0 tag. But since the JAR file and KafkaTrigger.yml need to becopied into the docker container, there are twooptions: Use Cassandra 3.11.0 image and docker cpcommand to copy the files into thecontainer Create anew Docker image with files already in it and use thatimage The first option is not an optionactually, it is not in the spirit of Docker to do such thing so Iwill go with the second option. Create a cluster directory somewhere and acassandra directory within it mkdir -p cluster/cassandra cluster directory will beneeded for later, now just create KafkaTrigger.yml incassandra dir with the content I provided earlier. Also, the builtJAR file (cassandra-trigger-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar)needs to be copied here. To build all that into Docker, I created aDockerfile with the following content:FROM cassandra:3.11.0COPYKafkaTrigger.yml /etc/cassandra/triggers/KafkaTrigger.ymlCOPY cassandra-trigger-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar/etc/cassandra/triggers/trigger.jarCMD ["cassandra","-f"] In console, justposition yourself in the cassandra directory andrun: dockerbuild -t trigger-cassandra . That will create a docker image with nametrigger-cassandra.All that is left is to create aDocker compose file, join all together and test it. The Dockercompose file should be placed in the cluster directory. Thereason for that is because Docker compose has a naming conventionfor containers it creates, it is <present_directory_name>_<service_name>_<order_num>.And I already specified the Kafka domain names in KafkaTrigger.yml as cluster_kafka_1 and cluster_kafka_2, in case theDocker compose is run from another location, container naming wouldchange and KafkaTrigger.yml would needto be updated. My Docker compose file is located inthe cluster directory, it’s named cluster.yml and it lookslike this: version: '3.3'services:zookeeper:image:wurstmeister/zookeeper:3.4.6ports:-"2181:2181"kafka:image:wurstmeister/kafka:"ifconfig | awk '/Bcast:.+/{print $$2}' | awk -F\":\" '{print$$2}'"KAFKA_ADVERTISED_PORT: 9092KAFKA_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT: zookeeper:2181cassandra-seed:image: trigger-cassandraports:- 7199- 9042environment:CASSANDRA_CLUSTER_NAME: test-clustercassandra:image: trigger-cassandraports:- 7199- 9042environment:CASSANDRA_CLUSTER_NAME: test-clusterCASSANDRA_SEEDS: cassandra-seed The cluster contains the definition forZookeeper, Kafka and Cassandra with the exception that there aretwo Cassandra services. The reason for that is that one can bestandalone, but all others need a seed list. cassandra-seed will serve asseed, and cassandra as scalableservice. That way, I can start multiple instances of cassandra.However, to start multiple instances, it takes time, and it is notrecommended to have multiple Cassandra nodes in joining state. So,scale should be done one node at a time. That does not apply toKafka nodes. With the following command, I’ve got a running clusterready for use: docker-compose -f cluster.yml up -d --scalekafka=2 After that, Iconnected to the Cassandra cluster with cqlsh andcreated the keyspace and table. To add a trigger to the table, you need toexecute the following command: CREATE TRIGGER kafka_trigger ONmovies_by_genre USING'io.smartcat.cassandra.trigger.KafkaTrigger'; In case you get the followingerror: ConfigurationException: Trigger class'io.smartcat.cassandra.trigger.KafkaTrigger' doesn'texist There are severalthings that can be wrong. The JAR file might not be loaded withinthe Cassandra node; that should happen automatically, but if itdoesn’t you can try to load it with: nodetool reloadTriggers If the problem persists, it might be thatthe configuration file is not at a proper location, but that canonly happen if you are using a different infrastructure setup andyou forgot to copy KafkaTrigger.yml to theproper location. Cassandra will show the same error even if classis found but there is some problem instantiating it or casting itto theITrigger interface. Also, make sure that you implemented theITriggerinterface from the right Cassandra version (versions of cassandrain the JAR file and of the cassandra node shouldmatch). Ifthere are no errors, the trigger is created properly. This can bechecked by executing the following CQLcommands: USEsystem_schema;SELECT * FROM triggers;ResultsI used kafka-console-consumer to seeif messages end up in Kafka, but any other option is good enough.Here are a few things I tried and the results it gaveme. For most cases, not all of these mutationsare used, usually it’s just insert, update and one kind of delete.Here I intentionally tried several ways since it might come inhandy to someone. In case you have a simpler table use case, youmight be able to simplify the trigger code aswell. What isalso worth noting is that triggers execute only on a coordinatornode; they have nothing to do with data ownership nor replicationand the JAR file needs to be on every node that can become acoordinator. Going a stepfurther Thisis OK for testing purposes, but for this experiment to have anyvalue, I will simulate the mutations to the cassandra cluster atsome rate. This can be accomplished in several ways, writing acustom small application, using cassandra stress or using someother tool. Here at SmartCat, we have developed a tool for suchpurpose. That is the easiest way for me to create load on aCassandra cluster. The tool is called Berserker,you can give it a try. To start with Berserker, I’ve downloadedthe latest version (0.0.7 is the latest at the moment of writing)from here.And I’ve created a configuration file namedconfiguration.yml. load-generator-configurationsection is used to specify all other configurations. There, forevery type of the configuration, name is specified in order for theBerserker to know which configuration parser to use in concretesections. After that, a section for each configuration with parserspecific options and format is found. There are following sectionsavailable: data-source-configurationwhere data source which will generate data for worker isspecified rate-generator-configurationwhere should be specified how rate generator will be created and itwill generate rate. This rate is rate at which worker willexecute worker-configuration,configuration for workermetrics-reporter-configuration,configuration for metrics reporting, currently only JMX and consolereporting is supported In this case, the data-source-configurationsection is actually a Ranger configuration format and can be foundhere.An important part for this articleis the connection-points propertywithin worker-configration. Thiswill probably be different every time Docker compose creates acluster. To see your connection points run:docker ps It should give you a similaroutput: There you can find port mapping forcluster_cassandra-seed_1 andcluster_cassandra_1containers and use it, in this case it is: and that everything is settled, justrun: java -jarberserker-runner-0.0.7.jar -c configuration.yml Berserker starts spamming the Cassandracluster and in my terminal where kafka-console-consumer isrunning, I can see messages appearing, it seems everything is asexpected, at least for now. EndThat’s all, next time I’ll talkabout Cassandra CDC and maybe custom secondary index. Hopefully, ina few blog posts, I’ll have the whole idea tested andrunning. One of the common griefs Scala developers express when using theDataStax Java driver is the overhead incurred in almost every reador write operation, if the data to be stored or retrieved needsconversion from Java to Scala or vice versa.This could be avoided by using "native" Scala codecs. This hasbeen occasionally solicited from the Java driver team, but suchcodecs unfortunately do not exist, at least not officially.Thankfully, the TypeCodec API in the Java driver can be easily extended. Forexample, several convenience Java codecs are available in the driver's extras package.In this post, we are going to piggyback on the existing extracodecs and show how developers can create their own codecs –directly in Scala.Note: all the examples in this post are available inthisGithub repository.Dealing with NullabilityIt can be tricky to deal with CQL types in Scala because CQLtypes are all nullable, whereas most typical representations of CQLscalar types in Scala resort to value classes, and these arenon-nullable.As an example, let's see how the Java driver deserializes, say,CQL ints.The default codec for CQL ints converts such values tojava.lang.Integer instances. From a Scala perspective,this has two disadvantages: first, one needs to convert fromjava.lang.Integer to Int, and second,Integer instances are nullable, while ScalaInts aren't.Granted, the DataStax Java driver's Row interfacehas a pair of methods named getInt that deserialize CQL ints intoJava ints, converting null values intozeroes.But for the sake of this demonstration, let's assume that thesemethods did not exist, and all CQL ints were beingconverted into java.lang.Integer. Therefore,developers would yearn to have a codec that could deserialize CQLints into Scala Ints while at the sametime addressing the nullability issue.Let this be the perfect excuse for us to introduceIntCodec, our first Scala codec:import java.nio.ByteBufferimport com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.InvalidTypeExceptionimport com.datastax.driver.core.{DataType, ProtocolVersion, TypeCodec}import IntCodec extends TypeCodec[Int](DataType.cint(), TypeToken.of(classOf[Int]).wrap()) { override def serialize(value: Int, protocolVersion: ProtocolVersion): ByteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(4).putInt(0, value) override def deserialize(bytes: ByteBuffer, protocolVersion: ProtocolVersion): Int = { if (bytes == null || bytes.remaining == 0) return 0 if (bytes.remaining != 4) throw new InvalidTypeException("Invalid 32-bits integer value, expecting 4 bytes but got " + bytes.remaining) bytes.getInt(bytes.position) } override def format(value: Int): String = value.toString override def parse(value: String): Int = { try { if (value == null || value.isEmpty || value.equalsIgnoreCase("NULL")) 0 else value.toInt } catch { case e: NumberFormatException => throw new InvalidTypeException( s"""Cannot parse 32-bits integer value from "$value"""", e) } }}All we did so far is extend TypeCodec[Int] byfilling in the superclass constructor arguments (more about thatlater) and implementing the required methods in a very similar waycompared to the driver's built-in codec.Granted, this isn't rocket science, but it will get moreinteresting later. The good news is, this template is reproducibleenough to make it easy for readers to figure out how to createsimilar codecs for every AnyVal that is mappable to aCQL type (Boolean, Long,Float, Double, etc... let yourimagination run wild or just go for the ready-made solution).(Tip: because of the automatic boxing/unboxing that occurs underthe hood, don't use this codec to deserialize simple CQLints, and prefer instead the driver's built-in one,which will avoid this overhead; but you can useIntCodec to compose more complex codecs, as we willsee below – the more complex the CQL type, the more negligible theoverhead becomes.)Let's see how this piece of code solves our initial problems: asfor the burden of converting between Scala and Java,Int values are now written directly withByteBuffer.putInt, and read directly fromByteBuffer.getInt; as for the nullability of CQLints, the issue is addressed just as the driver does:nulls are converted to zeroes.Converting nulls into zeroes might not besatisfying for everyone, but how to improve the situation? Thegeneral Scala solution for dealing with nullable integers is to mapthem to Option[Int]. DataStax Spark Connector forApache Cassandra®'s CassandraRow class has exactly one suchmethod:def getIntOption(index: Int): Option[Int] = ...Under the hood, it reads a java.lang.Integer fromthe Java driver's Row class, and converts the value toeither None if it's null, or toSome(value), if it isn't.Let's try to achieve the same behavior, but using the compositepattern: we first need a codec that converts from any CQLvalue into a Scala Option. There is no such built-incodec in the Java driver, but now that we are codec experts, let'sroll our own OptionCodec:class OptionCodec[T]( cqlType: DataType, javaType: TypeToken[Option[T]], innerCodec: TypeCodec[T]) extends TypeCodec[Option[T]](cqlType, javaType) with VersionAgnostic[Option[T]] { def this(innerCodec: TypeCodec[T]) { this(innerCodec.getCqlType, TypeTokens.optionOf(innerCodec.getJavaType), innerCodec) } override def serialize(value: Option[T], protocolVersion: ProtocolVersion): ByteBuffer = if (value.isEmpty) OptionCodec.empty.duplicate else innerCodec.serialize(value.get, protocolVersion) override def deserialize(bytes: ByteBuffer, protocolVersion: ProtocolVersion): Option[T] = if (bytes == null || bytes.remaining() == 0) None else Option(innerCodec.deserialize(bytes, protocolVersion)) override def format(value: Option[T]): String = if (value.isEmpty) "NULL" else innerCodec.format(value.get) override def parse(value: String): Option[T] = if (value == null || value.isEmpty || value.equalsIgnoreCase("NULL")) None else Option(innerCodec.parse(value))}object OptionCodec { private val empty = ByteBuffer.allocate(0) def apply[T](innerCodec: TypeCodec[T]): OptionCodec[T] = new OptionCodec[T](innerCodec) import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._ def apply[T](implicit innerTag: TypeTag[T]): OptionCodec[T] = { val innerCodec = TypeConversions.toCodec(innerTag.tpe).asInstanceOf[TypeCodec[T]] apply(innerCodec) }}And voilà! As you can see, the class body is very simple (itscompanion object is not very exciting at this point either, but wewill see later how it could do more than just mirror the classconstructor). Its main purpose when deserializing/parsing is todetect CQL nulls and return None rightaway, without even having to interrogate the inner codec,and when serializing/formatting, intercept None sothat it can be immediately converted back to an emptyByteBuffer (the native protocol's representation ofnull).We can now combine our two codecs together,IntCodec and OptionCodec, and compose aTypeCodec[Option[Int]]:import com.datastax.driver.core._val codec: TypeCodec[Option[Int]] = OptionCodec(IntCodec)assert(codec.deserialize(ByteBuffer.allocate(0), ProtocolVersion.V4).isEmpty)assert(codec.deserialize(ByteBuffer.allocate(4), ProtocolVersion.V4).isDefined)The problem with TypeTokensLet's sum up what we've got so far: aTypeCodec[Option[Int]] that is the perfect match forCQL ints. But how to use it?There is nothing really particular with this codec and it isperfectly compatible with the Java driver. You can use itexplicitly, which is probably the simplest way:import com.datastax.driver.core._val codec: TypeCodec[Option[Int]] = OptionCodec(IntCodec)val row: Row = ??? // some CQL query containing an int columnval v: Option[Int] = row.get(0, codec)But your application is certainly more complex than that, andyou would like to register your codec beforehand so that it getstransparently used afterwards:import com.datastax.driver.core._// firstval codec: TypeCodec[Option[Int]] = OptionCodec(IntCodec)cluster.getConfiguration.getCodecRegistry.register(codec)// thenval row: Row = ??? // some CQL query containing an int columnval v: Option[Int] = row.get(0, ???) // How to get a TypeToken[Option[Int]]?Well, before we can actually do that, we first need to solve oneproblem: the Row.get method comes in a few overloadedflavors, and the most flavory ones accept a TypeToken argument; let's learn how to use them inScala.The Java Driver API, for historical reasons — but also, let's behonest, due to the lack of alternatives – makes extensive usage ofGuava'sTypeToken API (if you are not familiar with the typetoken pattern you might want to stop and read about itfirst).Scala has its own interpretation of the same reflective pattern,named type tags. Both APIs pursue identical goals – toconvey compile-time type information to the runtime – throughvery different roads. Unfortunately, it's all but an easy path totravel from one to the other, simply because there is no easy bridge between java.lang.Type and Scala'sType.Hopefully, all is not lost. As a matter of fact, creating afull-fledged conversion service between both APIs is not apre-requisite: it turns out that Guava's TypeTokenworks pretty well in Scala, and most classes get resolved justfine. TypeTokens in Scala are just a bit cumbersome touse, and quite error-prone when instantiated, but that's somethingthat a helper object can facilitate.We are not going to dive any deeper in the troubled waters ofScala reflection (well, at least not until the last chapter of thistutorial). It suffices to assume that the helper object wementioned above really exists, and that it does the job of creatingTypeToken instances while at the same time sparing thedeveloper the boiler-plate code that this operation usuallyincurs.Now we can resume our example and complete our code that reads aCQL int into a Scala Option[Int], in themost transparent way:import com.datastax.driver.core._val tt = TypeTokens.optionOf( // creates a TypeToken[Option[Int]]val row: Row = ??? // some CQL query containing an int columnval v: Option[Int] = row.get(0, tt) Dealing with CollectionsAnother common friction point between Scala and the Java driveris the handling of CQL collections.Of course, the driver has built-in support for CQL collections;but obviously, these map to typical Java collection types: CQLlist maps to java.util.List (implementedby java.util.ArrayList), CQL set tojava.util.Set (implemented byjava.util.LinkedHashSet) and CQL map tojava.util.Map (implemented byjava.util.HashMap).This leaves Scala developers with two inglorious options:Use the implicit JavaConverters object and deal with – gasp! –mutable collections in their code;Deal with custom Java-to-Scala conversion in their code, andface the consequences of conversion overhead (this is the choicemade by the already-mentioned Spark Connector for ApacheCassandra®, because it has a very rich set of convertersavailable).All of this could be avoided if CQL collection types weredirectly deserialized into Scala immutable collections.Meet SeqCodec, our third Scala codec in thistutorial:import java.nio.ByteBufferimport com.datastax.driver.core.CodecUtils.{readSize, readValue}import com.datastax.driver.core._import com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.InvalidTypeExceptionclass SeqCodec[E](eltCodec: TypeCodec[E]) extends TypeCodec[Seq[E]]( DataType.list(eltCodec.getCqlType), TypeTokens.seqOf(eltCodec.getJavaType)) with ImplicitVersion[Seq[E]] { override def serialize(value: Seq[E], protocolVersion: ProtocolVersion): ByteBuffer = { if (value == null) return null val bbs: Seq[ByteBuffer] = for (elt <- value) yield { if (elt == null) throw new NullPointerException("List elements cannot be null") eltCodec.serialize(elt, protocolVersion) } CodecUtils.pack(bbs.toArray, value.size, protocolVersion) } override def deserialize(bytes: ByteBuffer, protocolVersion: ProtocolVersion): Seq[E] = { if (bytes == null || bytes.remaining == 0) return Seq.empty[E] val input: ByteBuffer = bytes.duplicate val size: Int = readSize(input, protocolVersion) for (_ <- 1 to size) yield eltCodec.deserialize(readValue(input, protocolVersion), protocolVersion) } override def format(value: Seq[E]): String = { if (value == null) "NULL" else '[' + => eltCodec.format(e)).mkString(",") + ']' } override def parse(value: String): Seq[E] = { if (value == null || value.isEmpty || value.equalsIgnoreCase("NULL")) return Seq.empty[E] var idx: Int = ParseUtils.skipSpaces(value, 0) if (value.charAt(idx) != '[') throw new InvalidTypeException( s"""Cannot parse list value from "$value", at character $idx expecting '[' but got '${value.charAt(idx)}'""") idx = ParseUtils.skipSpaces(value, idx + 1) val seq = Seq.newBuilder[E] if (value.charAt(idx) == ']') return seq.result while (idx < value.length) { val n = ParseUtils.skipCQLValue(value, idx) seq += eltCodec.parse(value.substring(idx, n)) idx = n idx = ParseUtils.skipSpaces(value, idx) if (value.charAt(idx) == ']') return seq.result if (value.charAt(idx) != ',') throw new InvalidTypeException( s"""Cannot parse list value from "$value", at character $idx expecting ',' but got '${value.charAt(idx)}'""") idx = ParseUtils.skipSpaces(value, idx + 1) } throw new InvalidTypeException( s"""Malformed list value "$value", missing closing ']'""") } override def accepts(value: AnyRef): Boolean = value match { case seq: Seq[_] => if (seq.isEmpty) true else eltCodec.accepts(seq.head) case _ => false }}object SeqCodec { def apply[E](eltCodec: TypeCodec[E]): SeqCodec[E] = new SeqCodec[E](eltCodec)}(Of course, we are talking here aboutscala.collection.immutable.Seq.)The code above is still vaguely ressemblant to the equivalent Java code, and not very interesting per se;the parse method in particular is not exactly a feastfor the eyes, but there's little we can do about it.In spite of its modest body, this codec allows us to compose amore interesting TypeCodec[Seq[Option[Int]]] that canconvert a CQL list<int> directly into ascala.collection.immutable.Seq[Option[Int]]:import com.datastax.driver.core._type Seq[+A] = scala.collection.immutable.Seq[A]val codec: TypeCodec[Seq[Int]] = SeqCodec(OptionCodec(IntCodec))val l = List(Some(1), None)assert(codec.deserialize(codec.serialize(l, ProtocolVersion.V4), ProtocolVersion.V4) == l)Some remarks about this codec:This codec is just for the immutable Seq type. Itcould be generalized into an AbstractSeqCodec in orderto accept other mutable or immutable sequences. If you want to knowhow it would look, the answer is here.Ideally, TypeCodec[T] should have been madecovariant in T, the type handled by the codec (i.e.TypeCodec[+T]); unfortunately, this is not possible inJava, so TypeCodec[T] is in practice invariant inT. This is a bit frustrating for Scala implementors,as they need to choose the best upper bound for T, andstick to it for both input and output operations, just like we didabove.Similar codecs can be created to map CQL sets toSets and CQL maps to Maps; again, we leave this as an exercise to theuser (and again, it is possible to cheat).Dealing with TuplesScala tuples are an appealing target for CQL tuples.The Java driver does have a built-in codec for CQL tuples; butit translates them into TupleValue instances, which are unfortunately oflittle help for creating Scala tuples.Luckily enough, TupleCodec inherits from AbstractTupleCodec, a class that has been designedexactly with that purpose in mind: to be extended by developerswanting to map CQL tuples to more meaningful types thanTupleValue.As a matter of fact, it is extremely simple to craft a codec forTuple2by extending AbstractTupleCodec:class Tuple2Codec[T1, T2]( cqlType: TupleType, javaType: TypeToken[(T1, T2)], eltCodecs: (TypeCodec[T1], TypeCodec[T2])) extends AbstractTupleCodec[(T1, T2)](cqlType, javaType) with ImplicitVersion[(T1, T2)] { def this(eltCodec1: TypeCodec[T1], eltCodec2: TypeCodec[T2])(implicit protocolVersion: ProtocolVersion, codecRegistry: CodecRegistry) { this( TupleType.of(protocolVersion, codecRegistry, eltCodec1.getCqlType, eltCodec2.getCqlType), TypeTokens.tuple2Of(eltCodec1.getJavaType, eltCodec2.getJavaType), (eltCodec1, eltCodec2) ) } { val componentTypes = cqlType.getComponentTypes require(componentTypes.size() == 2, s"Expecting TupleType with 2 components, got ${componentTypes.size()}") require(eltCodecs._1.accepts(componentTypes.get(0)), s"Codec for component 1 does not accept component type: ${componentTypes.get(0)}") require(eltCodecs._2.accepts(componentTypes.get(1)), s"Codec for component 2 does not accept component type: ${componentTypes.get(1)}") } override protected def newInstance(): (T1, T2) = null override protected def serializeField(source: (T1, T2), index: Int, protocolVersion: ProtocolVersion): ByteBuffer = index match { case 0 => eltCodecs._1.serialize(source._1, protocolVersion) case 1 => eltCodecs._2.serialize(source._2, protocolVersion) } override protected def deserializeAndSetField(input: ByteBuffer, target: (T1, T2), index: Int, protocolVersion: ProtocolVersion): (T1, T2) = index match { case 0 => Tuple2(eltCodecs._1.deserialize(input, protocolVersion), null.asInstanceOf[T2]) case 1 => target.copy(_2 = eltCodecs._2.deserialize(input, protocolVersion)) } override protected def formatField(source: (T1, T2), index: Int): String = index match { case 0 => eltCodecs._1.format(source._1) case 1 => eltCodecs._2.format(source._2) } override protected def parseAndSetField(input: String, target: (T1, T2), index: Int): (T1, T2) = index match { case 0 => Tuple2(eltCodecs._1.parse(input), null.asInstanceOf[T2]) case 1 => target.copy(_2 = eltCodecs._2.parse(input)) }}object Tuple2Codec { def apply[T1, T2](eltCodec1: TypeCodec[T1], eltCodec2: TypeCodec[T2]): Tuple2Codec[T1, T2] = new Tuple2Codec[T1, T2](eltCodec1, eltCodec2)}A very similar codec for Tuple3can be found here. Extending this principle to Tuple4,Tuple5, etc. is straightforward and left for thereader as an exercise.Going incognito with implicitsThe careful reader noticed that Tuple2Codec'sconstructor takes two implicit arguments: CodecRegistry and ProtocolVersion. They are omnipresent in theTypeCodec API and hence, good candidates for implicitarguments – and besides, both have nice default values. To make thecode above compile, simply put in your scope something along thelines of:object Implicits { implicit val protocolVersion = ProtocolVersion.NEWEST_SUPPORTED implicit val codecRegistry = CodecRegistry.DEFAULT_INSTANCE}Speaking of implicits, let's now see how we can simplify ourcodecs by adding a pinch of those. Let's take a look at our firsttrait in this tutorial:trait VersionAgnostic[T] { this: TypeCodec[T] => def serialize(value: T)(implicit protocolVersion: ProtocolVersion, marker: ClassTag[T]): ByteBuffer = this.serialize(value, protocolVersion) def deserialize(bytes: ByteBuffer)(implicit protocolVersion: ProtocolVersion, marker: ClassTag[T]): T = this.deserialize(bytes, protocolVersion)}This trait basically creates two overloaded methods,serialize and deserialize, which willinfer the appropriate protocol version to use and forward the callto the relevant method (the marker argument is just the usual trickto work around erasure).We can now mix-in this trait with an existing codec, and thenavoid passing the protocol version to every call toserialize or deserialize:import Implicits._val codec = new SeqCodec(IntCodec) with VersionAgnostic[Seq[Int]]codec.serialize(List(1,2,3))We can now go even further and simplify the way codecs arecomposed together to create complex codecs. What if, instead ofwriting SeqCodec(OptionCodec(IntCodec)), we couldsimply write SeqCodec[Option[Int]]? To achieve that,let's enhance the companion object of SeqCodec with amore sophisticated apply method:object SeqCodec { def apply[E](eltCodec: TypeCodec[E]): SeqCodec[E] = new SeqCodec[E](eltCodec) import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._ def apply[E](implicit eltTag: TypeTag[E]): SeqCodec[E] = { val eltCodec = ??? // implicit TypeTag -> TypeCodec conversion apply(eltCodec) }}The second apply method guesses the element type byusing implicit TypeTag instances (these are created bythe Scala compiler, so you don't need to worry about instantiatingthem), then locates the appropriate codec for it. We can nowwrite:val codec = SeqCodec[Option[Int]]Elegant, huh? Of course, we need some magic to locate the rightcodec given a TypeTag instance. Here we need tointroduce another helper object, TypeConversions. Its method toCodectakes a Scala type and, with the help of some pattern matching,locates the most appropriate codec. We refer the interested readerto TypeConversions code for more details.With the help of TypeConversions, we can nowcomplete our new apply method:def apply[E](implicit eltTag: TypeTag[E]): SeqCodec[E] = { val eltCodec = TypeConversions.toCodec[E](eltTag.tpe) apply(eltCodec)}Note: similar apply methods can be added to othercodec companion objects as well.It's now time to go really wild, bearing in mind that thefollowing features should only be used with caution by expertusers.If only we could convert Scala's TypeTag instancesinto Guava's TypeToken ones, and then make themimplicit like we did above, we would be able to completelyabstract away these annoying types and write very concise code,such as:val statement: BoundStatement = ???statement.set(0, List(1,2,3)) // implicit TypeTag -> TypeToken conversionval row: Row = ???val list: Seq[Int] = row.get(0) // implicit TypeTag -> TypeToken conversionWell, this can be achieved in a few different ways; we are goingto explore here the so-called TypeClass pattern.The first step is be to create implicit classes containing "get"and "set" methods that take TypeTag instances insteadof TypeToken ones; we'll name themgetImplicitly and setImplicitly to avoidname clashes. Let's do it for Row andBoundStatement:implicit class RowOps(val self: Row) { def getImplicitly[T](i: Int)(implicit typeTag: TypeTag[T]): T = self.get(i, ???) // implicit TypeTag -> TypeToken conversion def getImplicitly[T](name: String)(implicit typeTag: TypeTag[T]): T = self.get(name, ???) // implicit TypeTag -> TypeToken conversion}implicit class BoundStatementOps(val self: BoundStatement) { def setImplicitly[T](i: Int, value: T)(implicit typeTag: TypeTag[T]): BoundStatement = self.set(i, value, ???) // implicit TypeTag -> TypeToken conversion def setImplicitly[T](name: String, value: T)(implicit typeTag: TypeTag[T]): BoundStatement = self.set(name, value, ???) // implicit TypeTag -> TypeToken conversion }}Remember what we stated at the beginning of this tutorial:"there is no easy bridge between Java types and Scala types"? Well,we will have to lay one now to cross that river.Our helper object TypeConversions has anothermethod, toJavaType, that does just that. Again,digging into its details is out of the scope of this tutorial, butwith this method we can complete our implicit classes as below:def getImplicitly[T](i: Int)(implicit typeTag: TypeTag[T]): T = val javaType: java.lang.reflect.Type = TypeConversions.toJavaType(typeTag.tpe) self.get(i, TypeToken.of(javaType).wrap().asInstanceOf[TypeToken[T]])And we are done!Now, by simply placing the above implicit classes into scope, wewill be able to write code as concise as:statement.setImplicitly(0, List(1,2,3)) // implicitly converted to statement.setImplicitly(0, List(1,2,3)) (TypeTag[Seq[Int]]), then // implicitly converted to statement.set (0, List(1,2,3), TypeToken[Seq[Int]])When retrieving values, it's a bit more complicated because theScala compiler needs some help from the developer to be able tofill in the appropriate implicit TypeTag instance; wedo so like this:val list = row.getImplicitly[Seq[Int]](0) // implicitly converted to statement.getImplicitly(0) (TypeTag[Seq[Int]]), then // implicitly converted to statement.get (0, TypeToken[Seq[Int]])That's it. We hope that with this tutorial, we could demonstratehow easy it is to create codecs for the Java driver that arefirst-class citizens in Scala. Enjoy! One of the big challenges people face when starting out workingwith Cassandra and time series data is understanding the impact ofhow your write workload will affect your cluster. Writing tooquickly to a single partition can create hot spots that limit yourability to scale out. Partitions that get too large can lead toissues with repair, streaming, and read performance. Reading fromthe middle of a large partition carries a lot of overhead, andresults in increased GC pressure. Cassandra 4.0 should improve theperformance of large partitions, but it won’t fully solve theother issues I’ve already mentioned. For the foreseeable future, wewill need to consider their performance impact and plan for themaccordingly.In this post, I’ll discuss a common Cassandra data modelingtechnique called bucketing. Bucketing is a strategy thatlets us control how much data is stored in each partition as wellas spread writes out to the entire cluster. This post will discusstwo forms of bucketing. These techniques can be combined when adata model requires further scaling. Readers should already befamiliar with the anatomy of a partition and basic CQLcommands.When we first learn about data modeling with Cassandra, we mightsee something like the following:CREATE TABLE raw_data ( sensor text, ts timeuuid, readint int, primary key(sensor, ts)) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (ts DESC) AND compaction = {'class': 'TimeWindowCompactionStrategy', 'compaction_window_size': 1, 'compaction_window_unit': 'DAYS'};This is a great first data model for storing some very simplesensor data. Normally the data we collect is more complex than aninteger, but in this post we’re going to focus on the keys. We’releveraging TWCSas our compaction strategy. TWCS will help us deal with theoverhead of compacting large partitions, which should keep our CPUand I/O under control. Unfortunately it still has some significantlimitations. If we aren’t using a TTL, as we take in more data, ourpartition size will grow constantly, unbounded. As mentioned above,large partitions carry significant overhead when repairing,streaming, or reading from arbitrary time slices.To break up this big partition, we’ll leverage our first form ofbucketing. We’ll break our partitions into smaller ones based ontime window. The ideal size is going to keep partitions under100MB. For example, one partition per sensor per day would be agood choice if we’re storing 50-75MB of data per day. We could justas easily use week (starting from some epoch), or month and year aslong as the partitions stay under 100MB. Whatever the choice,leaving a little headroom for growth is a good idea.To accomplish this, we’ll add another component to our partitionkey. Modifying our earlier data model, we’ll add a day field:CREATE TABLE raw_data_by_day (sensor text,day text,ts timeuuid,reading int,primary key((sensor, day), ts)) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (ts DESC) AND COMPACTION = {'class': 'TimeWindowCompactionStrategy', 'compaction_window_unit': 'DAYS', 'compaction_window_size': 1};Inserting into the table requires using the date as well as thenow() value (you could alsogenerate a TimeUUID in your application code):INSERT INTO raw_data_by_day (sensor, day, ts, reading) VALUES ('mysensor', '2017-01-01', now(), 10);This is one way of limiting the amount of data per partition.For fetching large amounts of data across multiple days, you’llneed to issue one query per day. The nice part about querying likethis is we can spread the work over the entire cluster rather thanasking a single node to perform a lot of work. We can also issuethese queries in parallel by relying on the async calls in thedriver. The Python driver even has a convenient helper function forthis sort of use case:from itertools import productfrom cassandra.concurrent import execute_concurrent_with_argsdays = ["2017-07-01", "2017-07-12", "2017-07-03"] # collecting three days worth of datasession = Cluster([""]).connect("blog")prepared = session.prepare("SELECT day, ts, reading FROM raw_data_by_day WHERE sensor = ? and day = ?")args = product(["mysensor"], days) # args: ('test', '2017-07-01'), ('test', '2017-07-12'), ('test', '2017-07-03')# driver handles concurrency for youresults = execute_concurrent_with_args(session, prepared, args)# Results:#[ExecutionResult(success=True, result_or_exc=<cassandra.cluster.ResultSet object at 0x106d36750>),# ExecutionResult(success=True, result_or_exc=<cassandra.cluster.ResultSet object at 0x106d36a90>),# ExecutionResult(success=True, result_or_exc=<cassandra.cluster.ResultSet object at 0x106d36550>)]A variation on this technique is to use a different table pertime window. For instance, using a table per month means you’d havetwelve tables per year:CREATE TABLE raw_data_may_2017 ( sensor text, ts timeuuid, reading int, primary key(sensor, ts)) WITH COMPACTION = {'class': 'TimeWindowCompactionStrategy', 'compaction_window_unit': 'DAYS', 'compaction_window_size': 1};This strategy has a primary benefit of being useful forarchiving and quickly dropping old data. For instance, at thebeginning of each month, we could archive last month’s data to HDFSor S3 in parquet format, taking advantage of cheap storage foranalytics purposes. When we don’t need the data in Cassandraanymore, we can simply drop the table. You can probably see there’sa bit of extra maintenance around creating and removing tables, sothis method is really only useful if archiving is a requirement.There are other methods to archive data as well, so this style ofbucketing may be unnecessary.The above strategies focuses on keeping partitions from gettingtoo big over a long period of time. This is fine if we have apredictable workload and partition sizes that have very littlevariance. It’s possible to be ingesting so much information that wecan overwhelm a single node’s ability to write data out, or theingest rate is significantly higher for a small percentage ofobjects. Twitter is a great example, where certain people have tensof millions of followers but it’s not the common case. It’s commonto have a separate code path for these types of accounts where weneed massive scaleThe second technique uses multiple partitions at any given timeto fan out inserts to the entire cluster. The nice part about thisstrategy is we can use a single partition for low volume, and manypartitions for high volume.The tradeoff we make with this design is on reads we need to usea scatter gather, which has significantly higher overhead. This canmake pagination more difficult, amongst other things. We need to beable to track how much data we’re ingesting for each gizmo we have.This is to ensure we can pick the right number of partitions touse. If we use too many buckets, we end up doing a lot of reallysmall reads across a lot of partitions. Too few buckets, we end upwith really large partitions that don’t compact, repair, streamwell, and have poor read performance.For this example, we’ll look at a theoretical model for someonewho’s following a lot of users on a social network like Twitter.Most accounts would be fine to have a single partition for incomingmessages, but some people / bots might follow millions ofaccounts.Disclaimer: I have no knowledge of how Twitter is actuallystoring their data, it’s just an easy example to discuss.CREATE TABLE tweet_stream ( account text, day text, bucket int, ts timeuuid, message text, primary key((account, day, bucket), ts)) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (ts DESC) AND COMPACTION = {'class': 'TimeWindowCompactionStrategy', 'compaction_window_unit': 'DAYS', 'compaction_window_size': 1};This data model extends our previous data model by addingbucket into the partitionkey. Each day can now have multiple buckets to fetch from. Whenit’s time to read, we need to fetch from all the partitions, andtake the results we need. To demonstrate, we’ll insert some datainto our partitions:cqlsh:blog> insert into tweet_stream (account, day, bucket, ts, message) VALUES ('jon_haddad', '2017-07-01', 0, now(), 'hi');cqlsh:blog> insert into tweet_stream (account, day, bucket, ts, message) VALUES ('jon_haddad', '2017-07-01', 1, now(), 'hi2');cqlsh:blog> insert into tweet_stream (account, day, bucket, ts, message) VALUES ('jon_haddad', '2017-07-01', 2, now(), 'hi3');cqlsh:blog> insert into tweet_stream (account, day, bucket, ts, message) VALUES ('jon_haddad', '2017-07-01', 3, now(), 'hi4');If we want the ten most recent messages, we can do somethinglike this:from itertools import chainfrom cassandra.util import unix_time_from_uuid1prepared = session.prepare("SELECT ts, message FROM tweet_stream WHERE account = ? and day = ? and bucket = ? LIMIT 10")# let's get 10 buckets partitions = range(10)# [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]args = product(["jon_haddad"], ["2017-07-01"], partitions)result = execute_concurrent_with_args(session, prepared, args)# [ExecutionResult(success=True, result_or_exc=<cassandra.cluster.ResultSet object at 0x106d1e6d0>),# ExecutionResult(success=True, result_or_exc=<cassandra.cluster.ResultSet object at 0x106d1d710>),# ExecutionResult(success=True, result_or_exc=<cassandra.cluster.ResultSet object at 0x106d1d4d0>),# ExecutionResult(success=True, result_or_exc=<cassandra.cluster.ResultSet object at 0x106d1d950>),# ExecutionResult(success=True, result_or_exc=<cassandra.cluster.ResultSet object at 0x106d1db10>),# ExecutionResult(success=True, result_or_exc=<cassandra.cluster.ResultSet object at 0x106d1dfd0>),# ExecutionResult(success=True, result_or_exc=<cassandra.cluster.ResultSet object at 0x106d1dd90>),# ExecutionResult(success=True, result_or_exc=<cassandra.cluster.ResultSet object at 0x106d1d290>),# ExecutionResult(success=True, result_or_exc=<cassandra.cluster.ResultSet object at 0x106d1e250>),# ExecutionResult(success=True, result_or_exc=<cassandra.cluster.ResultSet object at 0x106d1e490>)]results = [x.result_or_exc for x in result]# append all the results togetherdata = chain(*results) sorted_results = sorted(data, key=lambda x: unix_time_from_uuid1(x.ts), reverse=True) # newest stuff first# [Row(ts=UUID('e1c59e60-7406-11e7-9458-897782c5d96c'), message=u'hi4'),# Row(ts=UUID('dd6ddd00-7406-11e7-9458-897782c5d96c'), message=u'hi3'),# Row(ts=UUID('d4422560-7406-11e7-9458-897782c5d96c'), message=u'hi2'),# Row(ts=UUID('d17dae30-7406-11e7-9458-897782c5d96c'), message=u'hi')]This example is only using a LIMIT of 10 items, so we can belazy programmers, merge the lists, and then sort them. If we wantedto grab a lot more elements we’d want to use a k-way mergealgorithm. We’ll come back to that in a future blog post when weexpand on this topic.At this point you should have a better understanding of how youcan distribute your data and requests around the cluster, allowingit to scale much further than if a single partition were used. Keepin mind each problem is different, and there’s no one size fits allsolution. Instaclustr is happy to announce the immediateavailability of Scylla 1.7.2 through itsManaged Service. Scylla 1.7.2 isa significant step forward from the version previously availablethrough Instaclustr with relevant enhancementsincluding:Support Counters as a native type(experimental)Upgrade Java tools to match Cassandra 3.0Update to CQL 3.3.1 to match Cassandra 2.2releaseFetch size auto-tuneImproves range scansSlow Query TracingThrift supportDate Tiered Compaction Strategy (DTCS)supportImproved Large Partitions SupportCQL Tracing supportInstaclustr’s Scylla support is currently in previewstatus. However, we are very happy to work with individualcustomers to complete application testing and move to fullproduction SLAs. For more information, please contact post Instaclustr Releases Support for Scylla 1.7.2 appeared first onInstaclustr. Instaclustr is pleased to announce the availability ofSpark 2.1.1 on its managedservice. Spark 2.1 provides increased stability and minor featureenhancements while providing access to the key benefits of Spark2.0 such as:Up to 10x performance improvementsStructured Streaming APIANSI SQL parser for Spark SQLStreamlined APIsInstaclustr’s Spark ManagedService offering focuses providing managed solution for peoplewanting to run Spark over their Cassandra cluster. Itprovides:automated provisioning of Cassandra cluster withco-located Spark workers for maximum processingefficiency;automated provisioning of Spark Jobserver and ApacheZeppelin to provide simple REST and interactive interfaces forworking with your Spark cluster;high availability configuration of Spark usingZookeeper;integrated Spark management and monitoring through theInstaclustr Console; andthe same great 24×7 monitoring and support we provide forour Cassandra customers.Instaclustr’s focus is the provision of managed,open-source components for reliability at scale and our Sparkoffering is designed to provide the best solution for those lookingto utilize Spark as a component of their overall applicationarchitecture, particular where you’re also using Cassandra to storeyour data.For more information about Instaclustr’s Spark offering,or to initiate a proof of concept evaluation, please post Instaclustr Managed Service for Apache Spark 2.1.1 Releasedappeared first on Instaclustr. Bring Your Own Spark (BYOS) is a feature of DSE Analyticsdesigned to connect from external Apache Spark™ systems to DataStaxEnterprise with minimal configuration efforts. In this post weintroduce how to configure BYOS and show some common use cases.BYOS extends the DataStaxSpark Cassandra Connector with DSE security features such asKerberos and SSL authentication. It also includes drivers to accessthe DSE Cassandra File System (CFS) and DSE File System (DSEFS) in5.1.There are three parts of the deployment:<dse_home>clients/dse-byos_2.10-5.0.6.jar is a fat jar.It includes everything you need to connect the DSE cluster: SparkCassandra Connector with dependencies, DSE security connectionimplementation, and CFS driver.'dse client-tool configuration byos-export' tool help toconfigure external Spark cluster to connect to the DSE'dse client-tool spark sql-schema' tool generatesSparkSQL-compatible scripts to create external tables for all orpart of DSE tables in SparkSQL metastore.HDP 2.3+ and CDH 5.3+ are the only Hadoop distributions whichsupport Java 8 officially and which have been tested with BYOS inDSE 5.0 and 5.1.Pre-requisites:There is installed and configured a Hadoop or standalone Sparksystem and you have access to at least one host on the cluster witha preconfigured Spark client. Let’s call it spark-host. The Sparkinstallation should be pointed to by $SPARK_HOME.There is installed and configured a DSE cluster and you haveaccess to it. Let’s call it dse-host. I will assume you have acassandra_keyspace.exampletable C* table created on it.The DSE islocated at $DSE_HOME.DSE supports Java 8 only. Make sure your Hadoop, Yarn and Sparkuse Java 8. See your Hadoop distro documentation on how to upgradeJava version (CDH,HDP).Prepare the configuration fileOn dse-host run:$DSE_HOME/bin/dse client-tool configuration byos-export byos.confIt will store DSE client connection configuration inSpark-compatible format into byos.conf.Note: if SSL or password authentication is enabled, additionalparameters needed to be stored. See dse client-tool documentationfor details.Copy the byos.conf to spark-host.On spark-host append the ~/byos.conf file to the Spark defaultconfigurationcat byos.conf >> $SPARK_HOME/conf/conf/spark-defaults.confNote: If you expect conflicts with spark-defaults.conf, thebyos-export tool can merge properties itself; refer to thedocumentation for details.Prepare C* to SparkSQL mapping (optional)On dse-host run:dse client-tool spark sql-schema -all > cassandra_maping.sqlThat will create cassandra_maping.sql with spark-sql compatiblecreate table statements.Copy the file to spark-host.Run SparkCopy $DSE_HOME/dse/clients/dse-byos-5.0.0-all.jar to thespark-hostRun Spark with the jar.$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-shell --jars dse-byos-5.0.0-all.jarscala> import com.datastax.spark.connector._scala> sc.cassandraTable(“cassandra_keyspace”, "exampletable" ).collectNote: External Spark can not connect to DSE Spark master andsubmit jobs. Thus you can not point it to DSE Spark master.SparkSQLBYOS does not support the legacy Cassandra-to-Hive table mappingformat. The spark data frame external table format should be usedfor mapping: provides a tool to auto generate the mapping for externalspark metastore: dse client-tool spark sql-schemaOn the dse-host run:dse client-tool spark sql-schema -all > cassandra_maping.sqlThat will create cassandra_maping.sql with spark-sql compatiblecreate table statementsCopy the file to spark-hostCreate C* tables mapping in spark meta-store$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-sql--jars dse-byos-5.0.0-all.jar -f cassandra_maping.sqlTables are now ready to use in both SparkSQL and Sparkshell.$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-sql --jars dse-byos-5.0.0-all.jarspark-sql> select * from cassandra_keyspace.exampletable$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-shell —jars dse-byos-5.0.0-all.jarscala>sqlConext.sql(“select * from cassandra_keyspace.exampletable");Access external HDFS from dse sparkDSE is built with Hadoop 2.7.1 libraries. So it is able toaccess any Hadoop 2.x HDFS file system.To get access you need just proved full path to the file inSpark commands:scala> sc.textFile("hdfs://<namenode_host>/<path to the file>")To get a namenode host you can run the following command on theHadoop cluster:hdfs getconf -namenodesIf the Hadoop cluster has custom configuration or enabledkerberos security, the configuration should be copied into the DSEHadoop config directory:cp /etc/hadoop/conf/hdfs-site.xml $DSE_HOME/resources/hadoop2-client/conf/hdfs-site.xmlMake sure that firewall does not block the following HDFS datanode and name node ports:NameNode metadata service8020/9000DataNode50010,50020Security configurationSSLStart with truststore generation with DSE nodes certificates. Ifclient certificate authentication is enabled(require_client_auth=true), client keystore will be needed.More info on certificate generation: both file to each Spark node on the same location. TheSpark '--files' parameter can be used for the coping in Yarncluster.Use byos-export parameters to add store locations, type andpasswords into byos.conf.dse client-tool configuration byos-export --set-truststore-path .truststore --set-truststore-password password --set-keystore-path .keystore --set-keystore-password password byos.confYarn example:spark-shell --jars byos.jar --properties-file byos.conf --files .truststore,.keystoreKerberosMake sure your Spark client host (where spark driver will berunning) has kerberos configured and C* nodes DNS entries areconfigured properly. See more details in the Spark Kerberos documentation.If the Spark cluster mode deployment will be used or no Kerberosconfigured on the spark client host use "Token basedauthentication" to access Kerberized DSE cluster.byos.conf file will contains all necessary Kerberos principaland service names exported from the DSE.The JAAS configuration file with the following options need tobe copied from DSE node or created manually on the Spark clientnode only and stored at $HOME/.java.login.config file.DseClient { required useTicketCache=true renewTGT=true;};Note: If a custom file location is used, Spark driver propertyneed to be set pointing to the location of the file.--conf ''BYOS authenticated by Kerberos and request C* token forexecutors authentication. The token authentication should beenabled in DSE. the spark driver will automatically cancel thetoken on exitNote: the CFS root should be passed to the Spark to requesttoken with:--conf spark.yarn.access.namenodes=cfs://dse_host/Spark Thrift Server with KerberosIt is possible to authenticate services with keytab. Hadoop/YARNservices already preconfigured with keytab files and kerberos useкif kerberos was enabled in the hadoop. So you need to grandpermissions to these users. Here is example for hive usercqlsh> create role 'hive/' with LOGIN = true;Now you can login as a hive kerberos user, merge configs andstart Spark thrift server. It will be able to query DSE data:#> kinit -kt /etc/security/keytabs/hive.service.keytab \ hive/> cat /etc/spark/conf/spark-thrift-sparkconf.conf byos.conf > byos-thrift.conf#> --properties-file byos-thrift.conf --jars dse-byos*.jarConnect to it with beeline for testing:#> kinit#> beeline -u 'jdbc:hive2://hdp0:10015/default;principal=hive/_HOST@DC.DATASTAX.COM'Token based authenticationNote: This approach is less secure than Kerberos one, use itonly in case kerberos is not enabled on your spark cluster.DSE clients use hadoop like token based authentication whenKerberos is enabled in DSE server.The Spark driver authenticates to DSE server with Kerberoscredentials, requests a special token, send the token to theexecutors. Executors authenticates to DSE server with the token. Sono kerberos libraries needed on executors node.If the Spark driver node has no Kerberos configured or sparkapplication should be run in cluster mode. The token could berequested during configuration file generation with--generate-token parameters.$DSE_HOME/bin/dse client-tool configuration byos-export --generate-token byos.confFollowing property will be added to the byos.conf:spark.hadoop.cassandra.auth.token=NwAJY2Fzc2FuZHJhCWNhc3NhbmRyYQljYXNzYW5kcmGKAVPlcaJsigFUCX4mbIQ7YU_yjEJgRUwQNIzpkl7yQ4inoxtZtLDHQBpDQVNTQU5EUkFfREVMRUdBVElPTl9UT0tFTgAIt is important to manually cancel it after task is finished toprevent re usage attack.dse client-tool cassandra cancel-token NwAJY2Fzc2FuZHJhCWNhc3NhbmRyYQljYXNzYW5kcmGKAVPlcaJsigFUCX4mbIQ7YU_yjEJgRUwQNIzpkl7yQ4inoxtZtLDHQBpDQVNTQU5EUkFfREVMRUdBVElPTl9UT0tFTgAInstead of ConclusionOpen Source Spark Cassandra Connector and Bring Your Own Sparkfeature comparison:FeatureOSSDSE BYOSDataStax Official SupportNoYesSpark SQL Source Tables / Cassandra DataFramesYesYesCassandraDD batch and streamingYesYesC* to Spark SQL table mapping generatorNoYesSpark Configuration GeneratorNoYesCassandra File System AccessNoYesSSL EncryptionYesYesUser/password authenticationYesYesKerberos authenticationNoYes DSE Advanced Replication feature in DataStaxEnterprise underwent a major refactoring betweenDSE 5.0 (“V1”) and DSE 5.1 (“V2”), radically overhauling its designand performance characteristics.DSE Advanced Replication builds on the multi-datacentersupport in Apache Cassandra® to facilitate scenarios whereselective or "hub and spoke" replication is required. DSE AdvancedReplication is specifically designed to tolerate sporadicconnectivity that can occur in constrained environments, such asretail, oil-and-gas remote sites and cruise ships.This blog post provides a broad overview of the mainperformance improvements and drills down into how we supportCDC ingestion and deduplication to ensure efficienttransmission of mutations.Note: This blog post was written targeting DSE5.1. Please refer to the DataStax documentation for yourspecific version of DSE if different.Discussion of performance enhancements is split into threebroad stages:Ingestion: Capturing the Cassandra mutations for anAdvance Replication enabled tableQueueing: Sorting and storing the ingested mutations inan appropriate message queueReplication: Replicating the ingested mutation to thedesired destination(s).IngestionIn Advanced Replication v1 (included in DSE 5.0); capturingmutations for an Advanced Replication enabled table used Cassandratriggers. Inside the trigger we unbundled the mutation and extractthe various partition updates and key fields for the mutation. Byusing the trigger in the ingestion transaction, we providedbackpressure to ingestion and reduced throughput latency, as themutations were processed in the ingestion cycle.In Advanced Replication v2 (included in DSE 5.1), we replacedtriggers with the Cassandra Change Data Capture (CDC) feature addedin Cassandra version 3.8. CDC is an optional mechanism forextracting mutations from specific tables from the commitlog. Thismutation extraction occurs outside the Ingestion transaction, so itadds negligible direct overhead to the ingestion cycle latency.Post-processing the CDC logs requires CPU and memory. Thisprocess competes with DSE for resources, so decoupling ofingestion into DSE and ingestion into Advanced Replication allowsus to support bursting for mutation ingestion.The trigger in v1 was previously run on a single node inthe source cluster. CDC is run on every node in the source cluster,which means that there are replication factor (RF) number of copiesof each mutation. This change creates the need for deduplicationwhich we’ll explain later on.QueuingIn Advanced Replication v1, we stored the mutations in ablob of data within a vanilla DSE table, relying on DSE to managethe replication of the queue and maintain the data integrity. Theissue was that this insertion was done within the ingestion cyclewith a negative impact on ingestion latency, at a minimum doublingthe ingestion time. This could increase the latency enough tocreate a query timeout, causing an exception for the wholeCassandra query.In Advanced Replication v2 we offloaded the queue outsideof DSE and used local files. So for each mutation, we have RFcopies of it that mutation - due to capturing the mutations at thereplica level via CDC versus at the coordinator level via triggersin v1 – on the same nodes as the mutation is stored for Cassandra.This change ensures data integrity and redundancy andprovides RF copies of the mutation.We have solved this CDC deduplication problem based on anintimate understanding of token ranges, gossip, and mutationstructures to ensure that, on average, each mutation is onlyreplicated once.The goal is to replicate all mutations at leastonce, and to try to minimize replicating a given mutation multipletimes. This solution will be described later.ReplicationPreviously in Advanced Replication v1, replication could beconfigured only to a single destination. This replication streamwas fine for a use case which was a net of source clusters storingdata and forwarding to a central hub destination, essentially'edge-to-hub.'In Advanced Replication v2 we added support for multipledestinations, where data could be replicated to multipledestinations for distribution or redundancy purposes. As part ofthis we added the ability to prioritize which destinations andchannels (pairs of source table to destination table) arereplicated first, and configure whether channel replicationis LIFO or FIFO to ensure newest or oldest data is replicatedfirst.With the new implementation of the v2 mutation Queue, we havethe situation where we have each mutation stored in ReplicationFactor number of queues, and the mutations on each Node areinterleaved depending on which subset of token ranges are stored onthat node.There is no guarantee that the mutations are received oneach node in the same order.With the Advanced Replication v1 trigger implementationthere was a single consolidated queue which made it significantlyeasier to replicate each mutation only once.DeduplicationIn order to minimize the number of times we process eachmutation, we triage the mutations that extract from the CDC log inthe following way:Separate the mutations into their distinct tables.Separate them into their distinct token ranges.Collect the mutations in time sliced buckets according to theirmutation timestamp (which is the same for that mutationacross all the replica nodes.)Distinct TablesSeparating them into their distinct table represents thedirectory structure:token Range configurationAssume a three node cluster with a replication factor of 3.For the sake of simplicity, this is the token-range structure onthe nodes:Primary, Secondary and Tertiary are an arbitrary but consistentway to prioritize the token Ranges on the node – and are based onthe token Configuration of the keyspace – as we know that Cassandrahas no concept of a primary, secondary or tertiary node.However, it allows us to illustrate that we have three tokenranges that we are dealing with in this example. If we haveVirtual-Nodes, then naturally there will be more token-ranges, anda node can be ‘primary’ for multiple ranges.Time slice separationAssume the following example CDC files for a given table:As we can see the mutation timestamps are NOT always received inorder (look at the id numbers), but in this example we contain thesame set of mutations.In this case, all three nodes share the same token ranges, butif we had a 5 node cluster with a replication factor of 3, then thetoken range configuration would look like this, and the mutationson each node would differ:Time slice bucketsAs we process the mutations from the CDC file, we store them intime slice buckets of one minute’s worth of data. We also keep astack of 5 time slices in memory at a time, which means that we canhandle data up to 5 minutes out of order. Any data which isprocessed more than 5 minutes out of order would be put into theout of sequence file and treated as exceptional data which will beneed to be replicated from all replica nodes.Example CDC Time Window IngestionIn this example, assume that there are 2 time slices of 30secondsDeltas which are positive are ascending in time so areacceptable.Id’s 5, 11 and 19 jump backwards in time.As the sliding time window is 30 seconds, Id’s 5, 12 & 19would be processed, whilst ID 11 is a jump back of 45 seconds sowould not be processed into the correct Time Slice but placed inthe Out Of Sequence files.Comparing Time slicesSo we have a time slice of mutations on different replica nodes,they should be identical, but there is no guarantee thatthey are in the same order. But we need to be able to compare thetime slices and treat them as identical regardless of order. So wetake the CRC of each mutation, and when we have sealed (rotated itout of memory because the current mutation that we are ingesting is5 minutes later than this time slice) the time slice , we sortthe CRCs and take a CRC of all of the mutation CRCs.That [TimeSlice] CRC is comparable between time slices to ensurethey are identical.The CRCs for each time slice are communicated between nodes inthe cluster via the Cassandra table.Transmission of mutationsIn the ideal situation, identical time slices and all threenodes are active – so each node is happily ticking away onlytransmitting its primary token range segment files.However, we need to deal with robustness and assume that nodesfail, time slices do not match and we still have the requirementthat ALL data is replicated.We use gossip to monitor which nodes are active and not, andthen if a node fails – the ‘secondary’ become active for that nodes‘primary’ token range.Time slice CRC processingIf a CRC matches for a time slice between 2 node – then whenthat time slice is fully transmitted (for a given destination),then the corresponding time slice (with the matching crc) can bemarked as sent (synchdeleted.)If the CRC mismatches, and there is no higher priority activenode with a matching CRC, then that time slice is to be transmitted– this is to ensure that no data is missed and everything is fullytransmitted.Active Node Monitoring AlgorithmAssume that the token ranges are (a,b], (b,c], (c,a], and theentire range of tokens is [a,c], we have three nodes (n1, n2 andn3) and replication factor 3.On startup the token ranges for the keyspace are determined -we actively listen for token range changes and adjust the schemaappropriately.These are remapped so we have the following informations:node => [{primary ranges}, {secondary ranges}, {tertiaryranges}]Note: We support vnodes where there may be multipleprimary ranges for a node.In our example we have:n1 => [{(a,b]}, {(b,c]}, {c,a]}]n2 => [{(b,c]}, {c,a]}, {(a,b]}]n3 => [{c,a]}, {(a,b]}, {(b,c]}]When all three nodes are live, the active token rangesfor the node are as follows:n1 => [{(a,b]}, {(b,c]}, {c,a]}] =>{(a,b]}n2 => [{(b,c]}, {c,a]}, {(a,b]}] =>{(b,c]}n3 => [{c,a]}, {(a,b]}, {(b,c]}] =>{(c,a]}Assume that n3 has died, its primary range is thensearched for in the secondary replicas of live nodes:n1 => [{(a,b]}, {(b,c]}, {c,a]}] =>{(a,b], }n2 => [{(b,c]}, {c,a]}, {(a,b]}] => {(b,c],(c,a]}n3 =>[{c,a]}, {(a,b]},{(b,c]}] => {}Assume that n2 and n3 have died, their primary range isthen searched for in the secondary replicas of live nodes, and ifnot found the tertiary replicas (assuming replication factor 3) :n1 => [{(a,b]}, {(b,c]}, {c,a]}] => {(a,b], (b,c],(c,a]}n2 => [{(b,c]},{c,a]}, {(a,b]}] => {}n3 =>[{c,a]}, {(a,b]},{(b,c]}] => {}This ensures that data is only sent once from each edge node,and that dead nodes do not result in orphaned data which is notsent.Handling the Node Failure CaseBelow illustrates the three stages of a failure case.Before - where everything is working as expected.Node 2 Fails - so Node 1 becomes Active for its token Slicesand ignores what it has already been partially sent for 120-180,and resends from its secondary directory.Node 2 restarts - this is after Node 1 has sent 3 Slices forwhich Node 2 was primary (but Node 1 was Active because itwas Node 2’s secondary), it synchronously Deletes those because theCRCs match. It ignores what has already been partially sent for300-360 and resends those from its primary directory and carrieson.BeforeNode 2 DiesNode 2 RestartsThe vastly improved and revamped DSE Advanced Replicationv2 in DSE 5.1 is more resilient and performant with support formulti-hubs and multi-clusters.For more information see our documentation here. by RuslanMeshenberg“Aren’t you done with every interesting challengealready?”I get this question in various forms a lot. During interviews.At conferences, after we present on some of our technologies andpractices. At meetups and social events.You have fully migrated to the Cloud, you mustbe done…You created multi-regional resiliency framework, you mustbe done…You launched globally, you must be done…You deploy everything through Spinnaker, you must be done…You opensourced large parts of your infrastructure, you mustbe done…And so on. These assumptions could not be farther from thetruth, though. We’re now tackling tougher and more interestingchallenges than in years past, but the nature of the challenges haschanged, and the ecosystem itself has evolved and matured.Cloud ecosystem:When Netflix started our Cloud Migration back in 2008, the Cloudwas new. The collection of Cloud-native services was fairlylimited, as was the knowledge about best practices andanti-patterns. We had to trail-blaze and figure out a few novelpractices for ourselves. For example, practices such as Chaos Monkey gave birth to new disciplines like Chaos Engineering. The architectural pattern of multi-regionalresiliency led to the implementation and contribution of Cassandraasynchronous data replication. The Cloud ecosystem is a lot moremature now. Some of our approaches resonated with other companiesin the community and became best practices in the industry. Inother cases, better standards, technologies and practices haveemerged, and we switched from our in-house developed technologiesto leverage community-supported Open Source alternatives. Forexample, a couple of years ago we switched to use Apache Kafka forour data pipeline queues, and more recently to Apache Flink for ourstream processing / routing component. We’ve also undergone a hugeevolution of our Runtime Platform. From replacing our old in-houseRPC system with gRPC (to better support developers outside the Javarealm and to eliminate the need to hand-write client libraries) tocreating powerful application generators that allow engineers to createnew production-ready services in a matter of minutes.As new technologies and development practices emerge, we have tostay on top of the trends to ensure ongoing agility and robustnessof our systems. Historically, a unit of deployment at Netflix wasan AMI / Virtual Machine — and that worked well for us. A couple ofyears ago we made a bet that Container technology will enable ourdevelopers be more productive when applied to the end to endlifecycle of an application. Now we have a robust multi-tenantContainer Runtime (codename: Titus) that powers many batch andservice-style systems, whose developers enjoy the benefits of rapiddevelopment velocity.With the recent emergence of FaaS / Serverless patterns andpractices, we’re currently exploring how to expose the value to ourengineers, while fully integrating their solutions into ourecosystem, and providing first-class support in terms of telemetry/ insight, secure practices, etc.Scale:Netflix has grown significantly in recent years, across manydimensions:The number of subscribersThe amount of streaming our members enjoyThe amount of content we bring to the serviceThe number of engineers that develop theNetflix serviceThe number of countries and languages we supportThe number of device types that we supportThese aspects of growth led to many interesting challenges,beyond standard “scale” definitions. The solutions that worked forus just a few years ago no longer do so, or work less effectivelythan they once did. The best practices and patterns we thoughteveryone knew are now growing and diverging depending on the usecases and applicability. What this means is that now we have totackle many challenges that are incredibly complex in nature, while“replacing the engine on the plane, while in flight”. All of ourservices must be up and running, yet we have to keep makingprogress in making the underlying systems more available, robust,extensible, secure and usable.The Netflix ecosystem:Much like the Cloud, the Netflix microservices ecosystem hasgrown and matured over the recent years. With hundreds ofmicroservices running to support our global members, we have tore-evaluate many assumptions all the way from what databases andcommunication protocols to use, to how to effectively deploy andtest our systems to ensure greatest availability and resiliency, towhat UI paradigms work best on different devices. As we evolve ourthinking on these and many other considerations, our underlyingsystems constantly evolve and grow to serve bigger scale, more usecases and help Netflix bring more joy to our users.Summary:As Netflix continues to evolve and grow, so do our engineeringchallenges. The nature of such challenges changes over time — from“greenfield” projects, to “scaling” activities, to“operationalizing” endeavors — all at great scale and break-neckspeed. Rest assured, there are plenty of interesting and rewardingchallenges ahead. To learn more, follow posts on our Tech Blog, check out ourOpen Source Site, and joinour OSSMeetup group.Done? We’re not done. We’re justgetting started!Neflix Platform Engineering — we’re just getting started wasoriginally published in Netflix TechBlog onMedium, where people are continuing the conversation byhighlighting and responding to this story. This course is designed for developers, and databaseadministrators who want to a rapid, deep-dive and ‘hands on’exploration of core Cassandra theories and data modellingpractices.Continue reading Cassandra Fundamentals & Data Modelling