Turn any CQL ( Cassandra) schema into a graphical representation.
A small scala tool to transform a schema to a plantuml puml file that can be in turn transformed into a graphical representation of your CQL schema.
NB : Because the CQL Schema does not contain any relation between tables, it is up to you to define the relations in the plantuml file.
Download a jar file from release.
get a CQL schema from C* keyspace test :
cqlsh -e 'describe keyspace test;' > test.cql
run the jar file using :
java -jar cql2plantuml-1.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar test.cql
This creates a test.puml file from your input test.cql file. This .puml file does not contain any link. You can edit it to add links. You can then run plantuml to obtain a .png or .svg file:
plantuml -Tpng test.puml
plantuml -Tsvg test.puml
You can use cql2plantuml as a maven plugin :
NB : Because cql2plantuml uses plantuml, you need to install graphviz on the machine.
This work includes classes (CQL AST Parser) originally written by Tamer AbdulRadi distributed under the Apache Licence 2.0 at (https://github.com/schemasafe/troy). These classes were then modified.
This work includes classes originally written by Julien Eluard distributed under the Apache Licence 2.0 at (https://github.com/jeluard/maven-plantuml-plugin). These classes were then modified.